
5,000 posts...

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Well this is my 5,000th post. Most people around don't even know me anymore. But i've been on here for 6 plus years now. funny thing is about 4000 of those posts were in the first two years.

I just wanted to say thanks for this community and for Sangiro for providing this place that let me meet my great wife and other great friends.

Thanks again HH!!!

otherwise known as Mr.Fallinwoman....

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Now all we need is pammi & merrick to come out of hiding. :)

Peek :P

We're actually initiating a new future skydiver this weekend. Our oldest turned 16 (OMG) on the 15th and the boys in Raeford are going to take her for her first jump Sunday :o If there's any extra altitude, I will have some asses!

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Holy crap! It's like old times. Marc, Jess, JT and Sunny all in the same thread!

As nice as it is to see everyone here. I am saddened that I only saw them here.

I need to get out more.:D

(do you see a theme to my posts in this thread?)
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Me too Mama! Miss ya all - and the jumping even more ;) Soon, God willing. Until then, I'll keep spending my weekends peddling 'toys'. Ain't all bad :P Merrick digs product testing :D Although having 18 'boys' sitting around the house has got to be a little intimidating!

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