
Javelin chest strap got open

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Javelin with 1'' chest strap has no stop at the end. My normal after-deployment procedure is to secure the slider and loosen the chest strap for landing.

I noticed several times, that when I move in the harness the chest strap is loose and it may open. Actually it did once, which I toticed on the groud.

Does anybody have similar experience?
Has anyone modified the chest strap to add a stop that prevents this?


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Does anybody have similar experience?
Has anyone modified the chest strap to add a stop that prevents this?

Very simple! have your local rigger replace the chest strap for a longer one, abour 5" longer!
All he needs is a piece of type 17, a single needle and a zigzag machine.
We perform this work quite often here and the cost can be around $45.
I'm pretty sure you have articulated rings on your chest so it's very simple.
I hope this helps! Cheers,
Gus Marinho

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[replyhave your local rigger replace the chest strap for a longer one, abour 5" longer!

I have longer strap (an option from Sun Path, at no cost btw).

It would take 10'' longer to prevent this...
When I am not moving in the harnes and pressing forward against the loose chest strap - no problem. But when the tension goes off it might open


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Does anybody have similar experience?
Has anyone modified the chest strap to add a stop that prevents this?

Very simple! have your local rigger replace the chest strap for a longer one, abour 5" longer!
All he needs is a piece of type 17, a single needle and a zigzag machine.
We perform this work quite often here and the cost can be around $45.
I'm pretty sure you have articulated rings on your chest so it's very simple.
I hope this helps! Cheers,

Having not (yet) consulted Sunpath, I suspect (in the US) you should specify "Master Rigger" as this most certainly would be a major repair/alteration.

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You sure?

I have a Javelin, and I tried folding the strap over once. It wouldn't fit through the friction adapter.

Maybe following Sunpath's guidelines for stowing the excess strap would be a better idea.

Edit to add pic from the Javelin owner's manual.
Owned by Remi #?

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I thought the routing in the picture too was good. But after doing some RP(Relative Philosiphy;)) i changed it to have the end pass through the rubber band again. In that way it's harder to let the chest strap come loose if you entangle/bump/snag it during exit and starts to bitchslap you during freefallB| (hope I never have to experience that).

On my Icon, the chest strap doesn't have any "stoppingpiece" at the end. I find it scary, but it hasn't undone it self yet. But I'm also very interested in modify it to have a piece of webbing that prevents it from gliding trough.
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If it were my rig and had upper articulation (chest rings) I'd have a nice type 8 chest strap put on with a fold back and be done with it. It's a pretty simple job, materials should be just about $20 and it's takes less than an hour.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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If it were my rig and had upper articulation (chest rings) I'd have a nice type 8 chest strap put on with a fold back and be done with it. It's a pretty simple job, materials should be just about $20 and it's takes less than an hour.

I agree with this.
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What I tried to say was that it seemed like a good solution until i did RP.... :)
Even "check spelling" can't correct lousy english from a norwegian ...haha :P
"Once you have tasted flight, you will forever walk the earth with your eyes turned skyward, for there you have been and there you long to return." - Da Vinci

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I added a piece of type 3 tape a few inches from the end of the chest strap. This is similar to what Rigging Innovations do on their rigs except RI's are at the end of the chest strap. It hardly adds anything to the thickness but stiffens that point enough to stop it easily bending round through the chest strap adaptor and coming undone by itself.

Picture attached

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Why make things more complicated than they need to be? Deploy canopy, clear airspace, check canopy, collapse slider, pull down, open chest-strap, unstow brakes. That should take very little time to do with practice and it will be very apparent whether your canopy is landable or not. Waiting to get lower to do all this stuff does not net you anything and the potential for collisions seems to increase the lower and closer to the landing area you get. Better yet, just mod the chest strap so it won't come open anyway as was suggested earlier.
NSCR-2376, SCR-15080

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Another alternative is have your local rigger gently unpick the stitching near the end of your chest strap and sew in a three inch long plastic stiffener. The increase in thickness will not be enough to impede donning your harness, but it will be too long to accidentally slip out of the buckle with any load.

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