
Safest year ever- Where's the Positive Press??

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So here we are, 2008, and we have just had the safest year in the sport, and I have not seen ANYTHING in the mainstream media. God knows that whenever something bad happens they cover it with reckless abandon. Doesn't our beloved USPA have a Public Relations department? I believe that this should be publicized. The airline industry certainly got their credit for the safest year recently, let's follow suit and reap the benefits.

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How many hobbies or sports have PR departments trumpeting the fact they they only killed 18 people? you gotta be kidding me. good for the sport but the fact that "only" 18 people died is a hard thing to get good PR on from the mainstream media. focusing on events like competitions, boogies, etc...is a far better way to get good press. And I have seen a lot more of that in the last few years which is a great thing.

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There has never been a year without fatalities. The 18 last year is the lowest number since the 60's.

In Canada there have been on average 2 or 3 fatalities a year since the early 90's and we have had at least one year without a fatality. However every fatality causes a media feeding frenzy.

The internet has also helped the media as they mine sites such as Dropzone.com and the various chat groups.

"If it bleeds, it leads" - this will never change.

Major Dad
CSPA D-579

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