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I have 375 jumps on a triathalon 220 manufactured 11/98 and i believe that it is a good place to start from, its seven cells like a spectre, but the spectre is slightly elliptical platform, where the tri is square as a box, so the two turn different, and have other different characteristics. I recently ordered a sabre 2 and will then retire my triathalon, just know the thing i will miss the most about my tri is the openings! gotta love those 7 cell openings, smooth as anything I have never gotten slammed, even when i started to pack for myself.

Ahh, what a wonderful world.

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I have ordered several Triathalons this month.

They are quite a bit different than the old Triathalons.

The openings are smooth. Very slow actually. Flare is good. Ends are tapered, so it doesn't feel like you have to over-steer like the old ones did.

They are still a 7-cell, so the glide is not as good as a 9-cell. But that is good if you want to sink it into a tight landing area. You'll just have to learn to judge your glide ration.

IMHO, it's a steel to get a brand new canopy for that price.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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wow, that's awesome.

I had a Triathlon 220 as my first canopy.

it was a great into canopy, and that is a GREAT price!
I have since gone to a smaller 9-cell, but the tri was awesome for a first canopy. (as it's been said, its not quite as zippy as a spectre, but they're still fun to fly, and easy to land - you can even get some nice surfs out of them if you want). Mine opened nice and soft.

Does anybody know if the Hybrid Tri's are on sale too? (At this price, i'm thinking if i can come up with the cash it will probably be a great CRW/future WS canopy)

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I jumped on this deal to replace my 1998 tri 220 with a new 210. By selling the old one, the price to upgrade shouldn't be too much. (but this month...probably a hard sell)

It's been pretty easy to pack, and I believe, rather forgiving as I sometimes struggle to stuff it into the dbag. My worst openings were better than the worst ones I got from packers.

I often rented Spectres before and I think they have a bit more zip than my 98 triathlon. But not for twice the money.

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I really liked the Spectre more than the Triathlon. I was actually surprised at the difference, seeing as they are both 7-cell canopies.

I think it's always good to try before buying so you have an idea what it's like, vs. having something you want to sell.


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Triathlons are on sale on the aerodyne web site for $700. I think this is a good price, even so, would it be foolish to buy one without flying it. I have flown spectres and they are OK. I heard they were simular.


If you can get new Triathlons for that price, go for it. Although without checking the website, they may well be demos, but still... I have had 3 Triathlons and put over 1000 jumps on them. Love them...
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The hybrid is not included.

:( I know that I am green, but I was thinking about learning some CRW and 700 for a well-suited canopy for that would have been nice. Oh well...
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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I bought a Triathlon and have about 65 jumps on it. It is my first and only rig so can't really compare, but I do like it a lot. Very soft openings. It is a good first canopy, very forgiving.

Getting a brand new canopy for a used canopy price sounds good.
... Marion

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The standard triathlon is still a great canopy to do basic crw with. Now, when you have hundreds or thousands of jumps and are doing high level competition, offset formations, and sid by side stuff, you're gonna want the hybrid or a lightning for their subtle differences that make a large difference in competitions. Specifically, retractable pilot chute and bridle, mesh slider (for quicker openings), and reinforcement on the leading edge.

If you are wanting to do crw, buy this canopy at a steal! It'll suit you well.


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Obviously, I have very few jumps but learned from jump 2 to about jump 60 something on a triathlon. I think they have SUPER soft but also SUPER slow openings (of course, depending on W/L). I never had any off heading openings and never had any line twists - that might just be packing, body position, etc. but some of it, I would think, has to be the canopy. The one thing I REALLY hated about my triathlon - turbulence. Of course, this too is affected by W/L but I have been told is usually worse in a 7 cell (and at San Diego, you usually get turbulence around 1000-1500 ft. :S).

But my triathlon always took good care of me and is now taking good care of someone else. To give you an idea of how good a deal that is, I sold a 2002 Triathlon with about 550 jumps for $500. I think it was great as a first canopy but I LOVE my Safire now. Just a little more snappy on opening.

Just another opinion to put in your pipe and smoke.

P.S. I've never flown a Spectre but honestly have never heard a bad thing about them. I've even heard some people compare them to the performance of some 9cells. If I could have afforded it, I probably would have gone with a Spectre - but, again, novice jumper - what do I know?

"Excuse me while I kiss the sky..." - Jimi Hendrix

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I have 375 jumps on a triathalon 220 manufactured 11/98 and i believe that it is a good place to start from, its seven cells like a spectre, but the spectre is slightly elliptical platform, where the tri is square as a box, so the two turn different, and have other different characteristics. I recently ordered a sabre 2 and will then retire my triathalon, just know the thing i will miss the most about my tri is the openings! gotta love those 7 cell openings, smooth as anything I have never gotten slammed, even when i started to pack for myself.

I pack for a camera man (I think the gear on his head weighs 20 lbs :S (exageration)) that loves his Triathlon for the openings too!
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If you are wanting to do crw, buy this canopy at a steal! It'll suit you well.

Hmm... I already jump a Spectre, and I have access to rental hybrid Triathlons, so I think I'll just spend the money on jumps ;)
HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227
“I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.”
- Not quite Oscar Wilde...

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The one thing I REALLY hated about my triathlon - turbulence. Of course, this too is affected by W/L but I have been told is usually worse in a 7 cell

um, I have to say that I've had the exact Opposite experience.

That's what I was thinking. Aren't Tri's known for handling turbulence better than pretty much any other canopy out there?

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Triathlon is an EXCELLENT canopy. Really good first canopy. If you learn the ins and outs of a 7 cell you chances of getting hurt landing a reserve are reduced.. They have great low speed flight as well. Good for the new canopy pilot to learn accuracy with.

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That's what I was thinking. Aren't Tri's known for handling turbulence better than pretty much any other canopy out there?

Perhaps, but still not handling it well on a hot day in Elsinore. Trouble is you can't change canopies on the fly and see how another one handles the same situation.

It takes time to get an idea for normal, too. I just don't like sudden dives or climbs, esp dives to the left or right as I'm coming in on final.

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That's what I was thinking. Aren't Tri's known for handling turbulence better than pretty much any other canopy out there?

Perhaps, but still not handling it well on a hot day in Elsinore. Trouble is you can't change canopies on the fly and see how another one handles the same situation.

It takes time to get an idea for normal, too. I just don't like sudden dives or climbs, esp dives to the left or right as I'm coming in on final.

Maybe the canopy is really out of trim or has very porous fabric, you load it very lightly, you're flying in brakes, whatever. But there's a reason crew canopies are 7 cells :P

ciel bleu,

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