
When was your last jump?

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i've just recently started posting again yet it's been soo long i can't remember the last time i jumped - i think march of 2007 - baby jade has 3 jumps!!!!

i plan on getting current again once jake comes home:)

~Porn Kitty
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For me it has been a long long time. During that time I became an overnight parent- had two knee surgeries- and in the last month move from the west coast to florida. If all goes well I hope to start back in dec/jan.
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I'm kind of curious how many people are posting but haven't jumped in over 6 months.

This isn't 1 of them trick questions, is it? :P
Dialogue/commentary between Divot, Twardo & myself -

"from your first Oshkosh when the three of us were riding to or from one of

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It's been between five and six weeks, since I've jumped, due to graduate school and work. Prior to that, it was 8 months, since I had jumped due to the same reasons. However, I've learned to freefly in the tunnel during this "off" time, since I work at iFly. I interact with skydivers every day at work.

I finish my graduate school classes on Monday the 4th. Then, I'm packing my car on Thursday the 7th and heading to Washington to jump at the Leap for Lupus event. I am sooo looking forward to working on my flying skills and to having a day off, so I can jump!

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For me it has been a long long time. During that time I became an overnight parent- had two knee surgeries- and in the last month move from the west coast to florida. If all goes well I hope to start back in dec/jan.


Be yourself!

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It's been between five and six weeks, since I've jumped, due to graduate school and work. Prior to that, it was 8 months, since I had jumped due to the same reasons. However, I've learned to freefly in the tunnel during this "off" time, since I work at iFly. I interact with skydivers every day at work.

I finish my graduate school classes on Monday the 4th. Then, I'm packing my car on Thursday the 7th and heading to Washington to jump at the Leap for Lupus event. I am sooo looking forward to working on my flying skills and to having a day off, so I can jump!

Yeah!! I can't wait to see you! Save a jump for me!! Drive careful coming all that way!

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Haven't jumped since March this year. My lower back has been acting up lately. Went for an MRI last week, and saw the doctor yesterday for the diagnosis. Degenerative disc disease at L5-S1. All I get is Physical Therapy. [:/] Maybe a couple more months if that goes well and I'll be back in the skies.

"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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