
breaking the news/dropping the ball

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how do you go about telling people you skydive?

when ever i tell ppl i skydive i feel like im comming off with a huge ego and trying to brag about it.

up untill recently i've raced downhill bikes and rode motocross and its always seemed so nonchalant when i tell ppl what i pass my weekends doing.

so how do you let ppl in on that you spend ur weekends jumping from planes?
Jump more, Bitch less.

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if it comes up it comes up, and if it does i pull the "i skydive" banner out of my back pocket all the while singing to the beat of an otter blade. at that point most people around me know that i am a skydiver and then i lead them into all the other awesome things i do. at that point they decide they want there kids to have my DNA, good luck buddy :)

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how do you go about telling people you skydive?

There is no point in telling anyone that doesn't live in your own house. None. They need to know so they won't be surprised when they get a call from the emergency room, but other than that . . . it's a waste of breath.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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When most skydivers start their new found passion in this sport they can't stop dreaming about it and trying to 'convert' everyone around them. It's like a new relationship that just pours out of your skin and makes you smile.

After a few years this mellows into a more conservative response that keeps skydivers from bringing it up to anyone but their family and close friends.

Now, in the post-10 year period (when we're not supposed to be tourists anymore), it becomes as natural as sharing that you play baseball. At least that's how it is for me.

Where I work (physical therapy at a rehab center) we have therapists who own motorcycles and enjoy that sport. Others run marathons. A few rock climb. Others are competitive cyclists. It just flows in the part of a conversation with each other, and our patients if they ask. We don't go out of our way to shout it out, yet it's as natural a sentence as those who rock climb for fun.

That's my experience, at least.


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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When most skydivers start their new found passion in this sport they can't stop dreaming about it and trying to 'convert' everyone around them. It's like a new relationship that just pours out of your skin and makes you smile.

After a few years this mellows into a more conservative response that keeps skydivers from bringing it up to anyone but their family and close friends.


this is so true, there are people I work with and have known for years, somehow they find out, "oh, you skydive, I didn't know that, how many jumps do you have?"

the best is when they show up at the DZ for a tandem, "Are you here to do a tandem today", yes - will do 8-10 today and I might be your instructor
Give one city to the thugs so they can all live together. I vote for Chicago where they have strict gun laws.

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how do you go about telling people you skydive?

There is no point in telling anyone that doesn't live in your own house. None. They need to know so they won't be surprised when they get a call from the emergency room, but other than that . . . it's a waste of breath.

"It's like trying to tell a stranger about Rock and Roll"

And there's another one, something about explaining a Kiss concert to some one who's never been to a concert. Damn!! Can't remenber the song or who did it. I guess it's a senior moment. :([:/] Jimmy Buffet?
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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Yep, I'd say don't volunteer the information. For anyone at all close to you it'll come up in conversation soon enough.

Your friends will ask you to do something at the weekend - you won't be able to make it, and can explain why.

Your co-workers (if you have a Monday - Friday job) will ask what you're doing, or what you did, at the weekend.

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>so how do you let ppl in on that you spend ur weekends jumping from planes?

Why do you have to?


Coworker: "So, Krisanne, where are you going on vacation?"

Me: "Up to Montana, we go every year - we'll be camping not far from Glacier National Park."

Accurate, though not complete, description of Lost Prairie. :D


Coworker: "Boy, it was hot this weekend, wasn't it?"

Me: "Yeah, it sure was, and I was up in Davis where it was 30 degrees warmer!"

Coworker: "Oh, what brought you to Davis?"

Me: "I was hanging out with some friends."
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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I don't deliberately bring up the topic, although on rare occasions it does come up. When people ask, they tend to say stuff like "Oh yeah, I did a tandem once - how many times have you jumped? Then I explain that I have 300 or so jumps, but that's actually not a lot when you consider that some people do it as a career and have about 10,000 jumps. Usually that's enough to satisfy them and we move on to another topic.

I don't feel the need to tell people, just like I don't go around telling everyone a bunch of other stuff that makes me sound like a deviant :P:ph34r::ph34r:

"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
« Sors le martinet et flagelle toi indigne contrôleuse de gestion. »
- my boss

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In my experience, when I first started jumping I couldn't stop talking about it. But now that it's become normal, I don't feel the urge to tell everyone I meet that I skydive. I also no longer even bring it up in conversation unless it's relevant. That said, if someone asks what I did over the weekend, I absolutely will tell them I went skydiving (if that's the case)! I don't see the purpose in not mentioning it in relevant conversation -- that would make me feel like I'm part of a secret society, lol, which I'm pretty sure I'm not. But, to each his own. I can understand not wanting the hassle of getting into a long conversation and answering lots of silly questions when you were simply trying to have a short polite conversation about the weekend.
"I believe the risks I take are justified by the sheer love of the life I lead" - Charles Lindbergh

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I would only push it upon the cop that would stop me speeding to the dropzone. Hoping he would ask a lot of questions and forget about the ticket.:)

That never worked fot me. Those guys know how to write and talk at the same time. And once they start writing...
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossilbe before they were done.
Louis D Brandeis

Where are we going and why are we in this basket?

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I happened to be watching CSI for a few minutes and one of the profiling aspects of this pathologically "crazy" perp was that she was a skydiver???
is this what mainstream society thinks?

also- I have gotten reactions like "skydiving? that's just totally wasteful and hedonistic"

or I had an ex friend explain to me how skydiving was absolutely stupid.

A lot of people light up when you mention skydiving and they want to try it, on the other hand it is very difficult to change peoples perceptions of a sport until they try it themselves- so if you tell wuffos about your sport of choice get ready to hear some surprisingly negative responses and be prepared to debunk some misconceptions.
Beware of the collateralizing and monetization of your desires.
D S #3.1415

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It gets brought up mostly by people asking about my closing pin necklace. Depending on who is asking and whether or not I feel like talking about it, I will either tell them it's a stainless steel toothpick (followed by a demonstration), or tell them what it really is leading to the 15 minute conversation about jumping out of perfectly good airplanes.
Why would anyone jump out of a perfectly good airplane? Cause the door was open!

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It gets brought up mostly by people asking about my closing pin necklace.

Funny you mention that. Vskydiver has one of those, and we've noticed jewelry salespeople never ask about it. It's as if they assume it's some weird Egyptian fertility thing or something they don't want to hear about, even as they are having her try on their necklaces. :D:D

As for what I tell people, I might mention skydiving to someone that I think can relate to it. I am tired of the usual whuffo reactions, so I try to avoid those conversations. I've been at the same job 25 years, so most there know we jump a lot. I don't talk about it much at work unless we all start swapping flying stories. Then I'll dig out a few funny anecdotes. I might have pulled out the skydiver card a little more when I was a young single guy trying to impress women. I think it might have even worked once or twice.;) I guess it's all in finding that fine line between impressing and annoying. :D

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