
Celebrity Skydivers

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I don't understand what makes people act like that around a "celebrity". They are just people.

Tell that to some of them. :)

When you're a celebrity, it's adios reality...

*above courtesy of Brad Paisley
I love you, Shannon and Jim.
POPS 9708 , SCR 14706

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I used to host kick-ass house parties in Calgary in the 80's. I would always invite any celebrity that would be in town, actors, musicians -whatever, figuring someday someone WOULD come to a party.
Judy Norton Taylor (Mary Ellen of the Walton's) was in town at a dinner theatre and I called them to leave a msg for her to come to a skydiver party (she used to jump, maybe still does)

She called me back and we chatted for a while, but sadly, she could not make the party. Also talked with Jamie Farr from MASH under the same circumstances - he does not jump, but I almost convinced him to come to my party.

I took a couple of the Crash Test Dummies up on tandems at SWOOP many years ago. One of the Rockefellers, and a few other well-knowns here at Skydive City as well. You sure meet a lot of people in this job

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This is in relation to the 'Point Break' thread,
Apparently Patrick Swayze Skydives, dunno if he's done many or if he still jumps,
I was just curious if anyone had any celebritys that actively skydive or are celebs themselves!?
TV, Radio, Films, Bands, anything!?

I heard a rumour that 'The Offspring' Skydive?


I got here late, But my above clip from a Video I shot fits rigth in with the OP! Patrick's manager/insurance company eventually told him, "No More", Don is still an Active jumper, even after the loss of his foot!

Gotta admit, it was Kewl to see them at Perris on weekends! Patrick was ,(and Don ) is plain and simple, "Good Ol Boys!" No attitude at all!

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