Blade Canopy

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I got to try out a 108 the other day and I loved it. I'm thinking about buying it, but I'd like to hear from someone who's had one for a while. The guy that's selling it said it had about 100 jumps on it and the lines look fine, but I've heard that those HMA lines wear out quickly. I can probably live with that, but I'd like to know if there's anything else I need to be worried about.

If you've put a few hundred jumps on one of these I'd really like to hear your thoughts on it.


btw- He wants $1250 for it with the risers. Sound like a good deal?

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It turns out some month ago. Ask manufacturer about the start of the production! That is not an all around canopy, so you may guess the size of the market and the number of competitors in its category. So?

Dude your English is 1000 times better than my Finnish, but I'm not sure I get what you're saying...

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That is not an all around canopy, so you may guess the size of the market and the number of competitors in its category.

It's not? Please explian why you think you know this?

Be safe.

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I think that the Blade is equal to Nitro but with an more accentuated trim. Even so only the maker can conform this.
I already had a Nitro 88 and I liked, good openings, good landings, even so to canopy it possessed a trim a lot of flat.
About the aramid technora lines, you don't need to worry.
These lines maintain dimensional stability and resistance for hundreds of jumps, since that you don't put the lines exposed in the sun for a lot of hours, because the aramid is very sensitive to the UV rays and it degrades its resistance when exposed. The aramid is also more sensitive the abrasion, then you have to verify well if the gromets of the slider is not rough.
Of rest the stability and small volume qualities of the aramid technora lines supplant well the disadvantages.


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The Blade has a thinner planform than the Nitro and it's trimmed much more agressively. I thought it flew almost identically to a Crossfire2 or a Katana. It's a very quick-turning canopy and it comes out of the sky like a bomb. I put a couple of jumps on a 98 at the Mardi Gras boogie in my wingsuit last year and didn't have any problems with it at all.

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I've got about 400-500 jumps on the Blade 98. The canopy opens like a dream! And its a swooping machine. Toggle and risers inputs are very quick. The canopy is very close to a Katana but has superior openings, and does not overstear like the katana. I have been very satified with my purchase. I jumped the Katana and the xfire2 before buying the Blade. To top it off HiperUSA's customer service is the best in the business.

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Thanks for the replies guys. It doesn't sound like anybody's got anything negative to say about it. Just what I needed to hear. Looks like I found a new ride...

I'll write a review when I get a few more jumps on it, but so far I love everything about this canopy!

Thanks again!


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I've got about 400-500 jumps on the Blade 98. The canopy opens like a dream! And its a swooping machine. Toggle and risers inputs are very quick. The canopy is very close to a Katana but has superior openings, and does not overstear like the katana. I have been very satified with my purchase. I jumped the Katana and the xfire2 before buying the Blade. To top it off HiperUSA's customer service is the best in the business.

Have you needed to re-line in these 400-500 jumps?

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Good info ya'all.Some of you remain too funny!A nitro/nitron whatever 88 would be cool to jump.I was impressed with the 120.The Blade sounds alot like my present canopy.All in all,a flat trip back makes for a larger/longer flight range.Having a fun play canopy and a better all purpose canopy at the same time for(Video Tandems,students) is a very good idea.

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It's a great canopy. Beautiful openings, steep dive and lots of power in the flair. Rear risers are super effective as well.

HMA has great wear properties, if cared for can last far longer and stay more in trim than most alternatives.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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