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My parents have a blue and gold that they bought as an egg as well (He's now 20 or so I'm guessing). I remember that he went throught a nippy stage as well when he was a baby. I also believe that in some states, you have to have somebody to will the bird to just to buy an egg, as they will most likely outlive you.

You're pics are just gorgeous! I am a huge fan of birds but know that I can not take care of one. I'll stick to my lazy cats!

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I think that's great you raised him from an egg...I've heard horror stories of the illegal Macaw smuggling out of South America. Very sad practice that isn't going to end anytime soon :(

I'm loving all the pictures of everybody's animals!

And for the record: the appropriate ranking of cool modes of transportation is jet pack, hover board, transporter, Batmobile, and THEN giant ant.
D.S. #8.8

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I think that's great you raised him from an egg...I've heard horror stories of the illegal Macaw smuggling out of South America. Very sad practice that isn't going to end anytime soon :(

I'm loving all the pictures of everybody's animals!

I can tell you for sure that his Dad, Mom, Grandbirds and Great Grandbirds were not smuggled. The breeder I got Peanut from has four generations of Peanut's family tree. Before that, I have no idea, but it's possible that the smuggling could have happened.
Peanut has no knowledge of the Brazil wilderness, and was bred and hand fed here in the states, actually, by a breeder down in Indy who is a true bird lover. You wouldn't believe the screening process I had to go through just to get him to sell me a bird. He still calls once a year to follow up on Peanut's well being. It's truly a life time commitment and they don't do well if they get transplanted to new a living environment or home. I've heard of birds, mostly other breeds, grieving themselves to death if they get attached to an owner and get abruptly sold or adopted out to a new family or owner.
There will be no addressing the customers as "Bitches", "Morons" or "Retards"!

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