
GP supervisory role

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on the interwebs, i keep seeing the Grammar Police correcting spelling/grammar because it is such a necessity.
after all, who will stop this appalling tragedy from continuing, if not the brave actions of this tireless few ?

my favorite was today.
"he IS in Florida so how many people will even notice it's got so many spelling mistakes?"

someone from the GP was mistaken in the correction.
should have been "it has got", not "it is got".
so, isn't it about time that someone assumed a supervisory role in these instances ?
should we involve the TSA ?

i need contact information for the Regional GP Commander.

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exactly. who's to know? it's not just the grammarization to contend with, it's the spelling too. far too much for one person to deal with.

content of a post is almost inconsequential compared to
the lasting impact of a misspelled word.

even if the basic premise is correct, shouldn't it really be
deleted to protect the public ? let's not think short-term here. think of the little children.

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OR it has.

In that case, one would leave "got" out of the sentence.

sometimes, people confuse "i ain't got no learning" as a double-negative. if you leave out the "no", then it is a
denial of all knowledge. you have to identify that
small volume that can be taught to tourists. :)

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it's not just the grammarization to contend with,

Your participle is dangling.

it has been mentioned before. :o
i can see that this should be a team effort.
perhaps a committee should be formed. rules and such.

maybe just one Moderator per forum.
that would take the pressure off of the self-appointed
ones that lack any real power to take action.

put some teeth into it and people would not be so
chalant about this. two errors a week and it's a week off.

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...put some teeth into it and people would not be so
chalant about this. two errors a week and it's a week off.

There wouldn't be nobody left to post.

And yes, I know it should be "anybody" :P
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prolly it the one that i cant stand!

prob or probably...what the fuck is prolly? is it before or after the trolley?
LifeshouldNOTbeajourneytothegravewithawellpreservedbody,buttskidinsideways,cigarinone hand,martiniintheother,bodythoroughlyused upandscreaming:"WOO HOO!! What a ride!!!"

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I need contact information for the Regional GP Commander.

How about Regional GL Commander? (grammar librarian) If I tried to be the GP and point people to this list whenever they make one of these mistakes, I would irritate too many people.


there is a certain level of public image for the job, so you'd have to get a haircut. ;)

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it's not just the grammarization to contend with,

Your participle is dangling.

He ended a clause with a preposition. Wholly different infraction!

Bill, I think you need to be spanked instead! ;)
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