
Ripening an Avocado

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Buy apples, preferably red apples, and store them together.
Or passion fruit.

Or the best option of all buy ethylene gas and gas them.
But thats not something you normally find in a grocery store ;)

The passion fruit and apples produce ethylene gas that will speed up the process.
Cherimoya is the top fruit to produce ethylene gas but is perhaps harder to find and probably more expensive.

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WOW. I am amazed!

The answers i got when i googled it is not what i would have expected.
I found one answer to use flour, that wont help, its the ethylen that does the trick.

Bananas was another tip i found. It is true that bananas produce ethylene but not much, however they are sensitive/very sensitive to ethylene. That could be the reason for this tip, common confusion.

Tomato, was also a tip i found. Tomatos just like bananas are sensitive to ethylene but very low producer of ethylene.

Google does not have the answer to everything. ;)

To back up my statements, i have worked in the buissenss for 8 years and have the "education" to class fruit and vegerables.
At my work we have several gaschaimbers to ripe fruit and vegs, but is only used to bananas.

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That is the worst feeling, lol. Then I try to eat it anyways cause I really wanted a freaking avocado, and don't wanna waste it, and wind up spitting it out and chucking it anyhow B| You think I would learn lol... but if you buy 'em ripe, half the time they are brown and nasty when you cut them open. It's really a conundrum (well not really in the bigger scheme of things, but ya know).

I have heard the brown paper bag and that's what I do now, but I have no idea how or if it works (it seems to, but could be "placebo effect" or something lol) Now I'm curious too..

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but if you buy 'em ripe, half the time they are brown and nasty when you cut them open. It's really a conundrum (well not really in the bigger scheme of things, but ya know)

YES! That is my problem, too!

omnomnom I just can't stop myself from opening up that avocado- even if I suspect it won't be ripe yet.
Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

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I have heard the brown paper bag and that's what I do now, but I have no idea how or if it works (it seems to, but could be "placebo effect" or something lol) Now I'm curious too..

It does work, and the reason is that the avocado (like most other fruit and veg) produce the ethylene gas, and by sealing it in a bag the gas it produces helps to ripen the fruit.
However using an accelerator is better, such as the gas in pure form or a other fruit as i mentioned above that produces more ethylene gas the avocado itself.
The reason for the paper bag is because the paper bag lets the fruit breath but still is sealing enough to hold the gas in place.
A plastic bag does work, but it will not let out the moist air and the fruit will/might mold.
Basicly anything that is not 100% airtight works, so if you want to use your grandma's old panties, cardboard box, or whatever you might find, it will do the job.

If the fruit or vegetables are exposed for a long time by this gas it will destroy the fruit or vegetable.
Imagine the ethylene exposure you get in a trailer or cargotrain when you have a full load of apples.
If there is no ventilation the whole load can be destroyed or damaged.

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