
Cutting off all ties with a family member v. have you done it?

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Curious if anyone here has cut off ties with any family members. I just severed all ties with my stepbrother, and while we didn't have that an extremely close relationship to begin with, today was a breaking point. He is Narcissus redefined, and if there was a modern-day movie about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, he'd have been the perfect candidate. When a simple request from me (a request for a suggestion about finding a good place to live in the city) a generated a expletive filled email, I wrote him back a very stinging, yet polite email, and cut him off. His response to my email was a "f*** you" from which I gathered that my email got to him. Blocked his email, erased his number from my phone, and completely cut him off.

Has anyone here had to cut off their family members, and have you regretted it for one reason or another, or was it the right decision? Just curious what people's thoughts are.

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Are you grown up? Are you independent? Are they toxic? Just because they are blood relations (or sort of), doesn't give them the right to treat you like crap.

You have the right to say who is a part of your everyday life, and who can go away and never be dealt with again.

The hard part is making it stick. Sometimes, they know exactly the buttons to push to suck you back in, and make you think it is you, not them who is the a-hole.

For what it's worth, my little sister is a horrible, cruel, vindictive, blackmailing bitch. I never talk to her anymore. I don't anticipate seeing her before my mother's funeral, and then only to honor my mom. I doubt I will ever see her or talk to her after.

We live on opposite coasts, so I guess that makes it easier (?)
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Curious if anyone here has cut off ties with any family members. I just severed all ties with my stepbrother, and while we didn't have that an extremely close relationship to begin with, today was a breaking point. He is Narcissus redefined, and if there was a modern-day movie about Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, he'd have been the perfect candidate. When a simple request from me (a request for a suggestion about finding a good place to live in the city) a generated a expletive filled email, I wrote him back a very stinging, yet polite email, and cut him off. His response to my email was a "f*** you" from which I gathered that my email got to him. Blocked his email, erased his number from my phone, and completely cut him off.

Has anyone here had to cut off their family members, and have you regretted it for one reason or another, or was it the right decision? Just curious what people's thoughts are.

There are toxic people in everyones lives. It is best to remove them from your life lest they affect you negatively. Its a huge win win for everyone.

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cut my dad out for about a year. I let him back in my life because it was hurting my brother too much.

I have now cut my aunt out. She is too supportive of my childmolester uncle, even helping him move back to california after he got out of the pen. On that same note, that uncle will probably be dead, if he ever showed his face near me.
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Yes, I have... It sucks for a good long while, but it gets a little easier in the long run.:|

"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
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No, but I've had it attempted on me many times.:P

That'll teach you for questioning the green beans on the pizza.:P
"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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There are toxic people in everyones lives. It is best to remove them from your life lest they affect you negatively. Its a huge win win for everyone.

Such true words.

OP, I cut my brother out of life. It's been 6 years now... I don't miss him, I miss my nieces. The family has a really tough time with it, and my Mom tries to throw guilt trips on me about it, but it's better this way for all parties involved.

"Let's do something romantic this Saturday... how bout we bust out the restraints?"
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OMG, is she okay?

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I have a brother in law thats exactly that John, incredibly well defended by his seemingly blind to his bullshit mother!! Ive had to bail this kid out several times (including with $2000 for a lawyer this morning) and everyone in the familly just seems to continue to fall for his bullshit. My problem is if i dont help his mother will and she is in no position to help anyone financially. She would probably eat cat food for a month than have her little angel suffer, it kills me because she is a good woman.
Wait , I pull what first?

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I have a brother in law thats exactly that John, incredibly well defended by his seemingly blind to his bullshit mother!! Ive had to bail this kid out several times (including with $2000 for a lawyer this morning) and everyone in the familly just seems to continue to fall for his bullshit. My problem is if i dont help his mother will and she is in no position to help anyone financially. She would probably eat cat food for a month than have her little angel suffer, it kills me because she is a good woman.

I have a friend who is dating a woman who has a son that has never held a stable job, and she is constantly bailing him out of the trouble he and his equally-irresponsible wife are always getting into. In fact, here is what the fools did just last December:

"There are only three things of value: younger women, faster airplanes, and bigger crocodiles" - Arthur Jones.

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I have a brother in law thats exactly that John, incredibly well defended by his seemingly blind to his bullshit mother!! Ive had to bail this kid out several times (including with $2000 for a lawyer this morning) and everyone in the familly just seems to continue to fall for his bullshit. My problem is if i dont help his mother will and she is in no position to help anyone financially. She would probably eat cat food for a month than have her little angel suffer, it kills me because she is a good woman.

Sometimes you have to cut ties with the enabler too...
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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Surprised to see so many yeses.

I'm another yes. It wasn't hard for me at all. Maybe it's just been so bad for so long that I just really lost all touch with caring whether the person was in my life or not.

Some people have told me it's unhealthy because I will soon regret it. Maybe, but it hasn't happened yet. :o]
Come, my friends! 'Tis not too late to seek out a newer world!

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WOW Ryoder thats some example for the kids, shoplifting with your children should be punished with a hammer to the forehead. Bolas it really sux because my mother in law is great to me and my kids especially and id hate to hurt my kids by keeping them away from her too. Beleive me the thought has crossed my mind.[:/]

Wait , I pull what first?

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I have a brother in law thats exactly that John, incredibly well defended by his seemingly blind to his bullshit mother!! Ive had to bail this kid out several times (including with $2000 for a lawyer this morning) and everyone in the familly just seems to continue to fall for his bullshit. My problem is if i dont help his mother will and she is in no position to help anyone financially. She would probably eat cat food for a month than have her little angel suffer, it kills me because she is a good woman.

I have a friend who is dating a woman who has a son that has never held a stable job, and she is constantly bailing him out of the trouble he and his equally-irresponsible wife are always getting into. In fact, here is what the fools did just last December:



Isn't he the "other guy" on "Two and a Half Men" ?

Life is short ... jump often.

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All ties, no. But I live in SoCal, my siblings and parents live in the Midwest and East Coast, my half-aunts and step-sister live in England, South Africa, and Australia, and I don't have a facebook page. So really there wouldn't be a whole lot to cut off besides seeing each other one or two times a year and chatting on the phone every couple months.

I get along well with my sisters, their husbands, and my parents, but all of them at the same time can be a bit much. :D

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