
In the dog house? ... Here's why ...

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My wife just turned 50. She woke up and I said Happy Birthday. She looked on the mirror and said "I getting old, fat, saggy and wrinkly. Tell me something good". I replied "WOW! You have great eyes for a 50 year old!"

I am still in the doghouse.


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That's hilarious.

Being a computer geek the RAM gift joke made me laugh really loud.

This is a commercial for a jewelry company. I would rather have the RAM or a power tool than a useless sparkly piece of glass-like substance.
Speed Racer

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That's hilarious.

Being a computer geek the RAM gift joke made me laugh really loud.

This is a commercial for a jewelry company. I would rather have the RAM or a power tool than a useless sparkly piece of glass-like substance.

Our first Valentine's Day, I bought my wife a chainsaw!

She didn't even use it on me, she just called her mom to brag about it.

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That's hilarious.

Being a computer geek the RAM gift joke made me laugh really loud.

This is a commercial for a jewelry company. I would rather have the RAM or a power tool than a useless sparkly piece of glass-like substance.

Our first Valentine's Day, I bought my wife a chainsaw!

She didn't even use it on me, she just called her mom to brag about it.


Now that's love! :P
The feather butts bounce off ya like raindrops hitting a battle-star when they come in too fast...kinda funny to watch. - airtwardo

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