
~How the universe was created

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With all the TV shows regarding space, solar systems, galaxies, the universe big bang etc. my mind is just boggled...I really long for the time the Earth was just flat, end of story go tend your goats! [:/]

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I think the creator of the universe needs a project manager.

HELLO - Can I get some teleportation?

Built in speakers in our shoulders?

Also the world would be a better place if we danced every where in lieu of walking.


Breast Reduction = illegal.

Opt out of periods.

Women plus chin hair....?

JEEZE. Sounds like some one wants to volunteer! ME!

I'd do anything for that project management position.

Man o man.
Best Girl Scout Ever.

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Bummer-I clicked the thread expecting a first person account.

There was a VERY loud noise, the Earth cooled, the fish grew feet and then the lawyers took over...Hell I was THERE! :D

That was only the first freak bros convention;)

Heck....I was at THAT too! B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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For a GREAT explanation in simple terms by one of the world's greatest theoretical physicists alive, you absoltuely must check out;

This aired last night and hopefully will air again during the week.

Very, very nicely done Mr. Hawking.

That was one of the many that's been on TV recently, yes it was really good...will air again on the 15th.

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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