
What does your car color say about you?

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Does the color of your car mean anything about who you are? Some people say it does. But I am not completely convinced. Of course I have always bought used and bought what I thought was a good deal for me at the time. So it's not like I have ever specifically ordered a new car in a preset color. Then again, I did refused to buy a car once specifically because of it's color. It was a shame since the car was in fantastic condition, but I just could not stand it's puke green color.

Anyway, my car is silver and I have become a big fan of silver cars. But not because silver cars (as described in the article) "communicate a sense of aspiration and at times, an embrace of futurism". No I like my silver car because it hides the dirt. When you are close to the car you can see that it is a little dirty, but from a distance it looks clean. As much as I like black cars, they show every spec of dirt.


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"Black: “Overall black communicates strength, aspiration and a respect for the classic and the elegant.”"

I don't know what buying my black Jeep with a black top and a black interior said about me when I bought it in Virginia last year.

I DO however, know what it says about me now that I'm driving a black Jeep with a black top and a black interior around southern Arizona...

Elvisio "dumbass" Rodriguez

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Funny still.

I have:

Black Harley
Black Ford F150
Black Scion xB (gave to daughter)
Black Jeep Grand Cherokee
White Honda Accord (gave to daughter)
White Lincoln MarkLT

hmmm...not sure what exactly any of that means, I'm not Canadian.

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Funny still.

I have:

Black Harley
Black Ford F150
Black Scion xB (gave to daughter)
Black Jeep Grand Cherokee
White Honda Accord (gave to daughter)
White Lincoln MarkLT

hmmm...not sure what exactly any of that means, I'm not Canadian.

Well Canadians are just like Americans, except that our heads split in two when we talk.


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"Black: “Overall black communicates strength, aspiration and a respect for the classic and the elegant.”"

I don't know what buying my black Jeep with a black top and a black interior said about me when I bought it in Virginia last year.

I DO however, know what it says about me now that I'm driving a black Jeep with a black top and a black interior around southern Arizona...

Elvisio "dumbass" Rodriguez

When I bought my Jeep, I wanted silver, but the bastards only sold silver with the black hardtop, and damned if I was going to drive around the CO Front Range in the summer with that. So I went with the "khaki" color which came with matching hardtop.
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I have the following:

black Toyota Tundra
white Mazda Protege
dark blue/green/coal-whatever-I-dunno Honda Odyysey

I can't pin-point the exact color, but it's just dark!

I don't see colors as defining who I am. I've had plenty of different color vehicles in the past.
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I'm not sure that there is all that much deep meaning to what color your cars are, unless you bought only one color--ever.

Most people don't really have that much control over the color. They just buy what they feel is the best deal on the lot. If it is a color they especially like it's a bonus. Let's face it, the percentage of people who special-order a car is miniscule.

I've had every color car except orange, even a few odd colors like baby-shit brown [:/] and a van that was green in the daylight but looked purple under artificial light. My current vehicles are dark silver, blue and red.

There could probably be a better case (of deep, dark meaning) made for what color rig and jumpsuit a jumper chooses. B|

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White = If lives in hot part of country, doesn't want to make the mistake of buying a black car again. That said, an acceptable color for cars from Germany.

Green = Idiot or drives a car made in England; perhaps both.

Red = Wants you to look at them. People with small penises in Corvettes.

Yellow = Red, turned up to 11. People with REALLY small penises in Corvettes.

Blue = Perhaps the lesser of all evils, unless you live in a part of the country where white would actually be a better choice. Acceptable the world over.

Grey = Wants you to believe he's driving a "silver" car. It's not silver, it's grey. Marginally acceptable in cars from Germany.

Black = Wants to be Darth Vader. Seriously, have you ever seen a CEO, drug dealer or military weapons merchant in anything else?
quade -
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Red = Wants you to look at them. People with small penises in Corvettes.

Yeah ... I drive a red car and I can attest that my "penis" is really, really, really small :S ...

:D:D:D ...

"and women are much more likely to go for red." - taken from the article ;)

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my civic and crotch rocket are both blue..
i bought both of them after my ex-girlfriend dumped me for very shallow reasons.

I came to the conclusion after i got over her than she was in fact, EVIL. And, well... she LOVED THE COLOR RED. From that moment forward i started liking everything that was blue, because good (blue) triumphs over evil (red) somehow.. and I will always fight her evil "kind". Immature? yes... but then it just stuck. lol

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Interesting ...

I had a gray car for 10 years and loved it ... I even miss it (a little) since I replaced her with my new car, which is red :)


I have owned quite a few red cars and trucks in my lifetime...:)
First car I got at 16 was a white Impala SS with red interior and when it was stolen I replaced it with a red TR-3. The die was cast:)
Current car and truck... both red and I ordered the Dodge Ram 2500 4x4 Diesel in Dodges signature Red.:)
Oh and the VW is red... and seems to attract cops a tad too easily.

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