
Do you get a flu shot?

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I only felt bad right after I got it, but I've been fine since then. I don't actually know anyone who has gotten the flu this year and the kids haven't said it's bad at school yet. Maybe it's because it's been so warm here this winter and people haven't been stuck in enclosed spaces spreading germs.
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I only felt bad right after I got it, but I've been fine since then. I don't actually know anyone who has gotten the flu this year and the kids haven't said it's bad at school yet. Maybe it's because it's been so warm here this winter and people haven't been stuck in enclosed spaces spreading germs.

I'm coming down in a couple weeks. If I have any left-overs, I'll bring 'em to you....lol. :)

A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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Nope. Don't do flu shots, and have never been a victim of the flu. I believe in good old fashioned NATURAL prevention/boosting of the immune system. Both with diet and herbs. It has done wonders for me over the years.

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Nope. Don't do flu shots, and have never been a victim of the flu. I believe in good old fashioned NATURAL prevention/boosting of the immune system. Both with diet and herbs. It has done wonders for me over the years.

If it's not broken, don't fix it.

There are great ways to boost the immune system. Taking good care of yourself is the best way. Unfortunately, working a GOOD hundred hours a week is bad for your immune system....and what I do. Couple that with getting coughed on by all the people with the flu, and BAM! Interesting that this is the first time I've been sick in a long time.

If everybody were like you, people like me wouldn't be so likely to get the flu. :)
A conservative is just a liberal who's been mugged. A liberal is just a conservative who's been to jail

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I'm bumping an old thread, because I was about to start a thread with the same title.

I've never had a flu shot (except maybe when I was a kid), and I keep wondering if I should get one. My doctor offered me one yesterday, but I declined. I have no particular reason other than it just seems unnecessary.

Have you continued getting them each year?

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Last year was the first time we got a flue shot in at least 25-30 yr's Thought it might be a good idea since we're in a high risk group .....old.

This year we'll pass. Don't know anyone that has kids or grandkids, don't travel in airtubes, retired etc.

OTOH we have been eating cantaloupe the last couple of days. Their on sale!;)


One Jump Wonder

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Have you continued getting them each year?

No, I don't think I've gotten one since I got that one. :ph34r: I keep thinking I should get one, but I never go. I'm sure that will come back to haunt me!
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
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I get one every year. My workplace provides them. I am not worried about getting the flu since I am healthy and know I would fight it off. However, I work with a lot of other people w/ weakened immune systems and poor health and I do not want to expose them.
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Until this coming summer, I'm required to get one annually. Uncle Sam likes wasting money.

The flu vaccination is an unnecessary and virtually worthless prick of a needle. There are countless strains of the flu and each vaccination works for only one strain. The vaccination given in any particular year is little more than a blind guess as to which flu strain would be the big one for that particular year without the vaccination. The only folks I recommend get a flu vaccination are those who are immuno-compromised.

I, however, have been blessed with an amazing immune system, and therefore find even less justification with obtaining a vaccination that will cause the same symptoms as the flu itself would.

The only time I get "sick" is once a year when I receive my mandatory flu vaccination. I put sick in quotations, because the symptoms of illness, such as fever, runny/stuffy nose, vomiting, etc is really your body's reaction to an illness. Often times, the body will react the same way during a vaccination due to the fact that it's still an illness, it's just a dead one. Your body reacts as though it's alive. Hence, you get the symptoms of being sick without the live virus.

Long story endless, I think flu vaccinations are stupid and a waste of money unless you're immuno-compromised, in which case, it may save your life.

Take it with a grain of salt. Just my 2 cents.
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There are countless strains of the flu and each vaccination works for only one strain.The vaccination given in any particular year is little more than a blind guess as to which flu strain would be the big one for that particular year without the vaccination. The only folks I recommend get a flu vaccination are those who are immuno-compromised.

There are countless strains, but some are more prevalent each year and pose a greater health risk than others. Each year the flu vaccine targets 3 strains, To say that each year the vaccine is a "Blind guess" is completely false

How they are selected;


This years three targeted strains;

an A/California/7/2009 (H1N1)–like virus;
an A/Perth/16/2009 (H3N2)–like virus;
and a B/Brisbane/60/2008–like virus.

(God damm Aussies)

General vaccine information;


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A clinic around the corner is trying to get the World Record today for the most flu shots given in one day. (I swear, there's a record for everything!) :S

I've never gotten a flu shot and am wary because I always hear people say that got sick from them. Just wondering what other people do and if I should stop by today. I haven't had the flu in years and am wondering if I'm pressing my luck!

I'd make sure they're not running out of needles and "re-using"... :S

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I've had a flu shot every year for the last several years, at the urging of my doctors. (I started building a new immune system in 2007) Sometimes I have "flu like symptoms" for 2-3 days afterwards. Some years it's worse than others.
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Used to get it due to asthma being bad at one time, that was over 8 years ago though. Basically stopped smoking when i took up skydiving. Which relieved my asthma to the point i no longer needed any inhalers and was taken off the "at risk register here as well:)
Don't really get colds or flu these days either as i do a lot of hillwalking and being exposed to the elements my immune system is quite active and robust in dealing with this. The flue shot gives you a mild dose of what they think will be the Virulent type of flu that year, to kick start your immune system into producing antibodies to fight the infection if it does show up. To be honest i think we rely to much on medication these days which has dumbed down some peoples immune systems and led to a increase in these types of outbreaks, which then need medication. When in the past most people would have just struggled on and let their bodies fight it so less people got knocked over by these outbreaks.

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My first last week. Figured at my age I might as well
even though I rarely get sick.

No problems after the shot.

Old man :P (JK).

I only get them when they're mandatory. Should probably find out if I'm required to get one now that I'm volunteering at the hospital.....

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I'd make sure they're not running out of needles and "re-using"...

This thread is 5 years old. I think I'm ok. ;)
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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I think it's frowned upon in the Netherlands to get a flu shot when you're healthy and your work doesn't require it. The Dutch tend to start frowning when it's about something that's not strictly needed. We're kinda f-ed up that way, me thinks,. Personally I don't care if anyone frowns, but I seldom get the flue, and when I do I don't get very sick. I consider it a nice training for my immune system. The flue I had a couple of weeks ago is one of the reasons I quit smoking, so not getting a flu shot seems to turn out very beneficial...:)

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I get one every year. My workplace provides them. I am not worried about getting the flu since I am healthy and know I would fight it off. However, I work with a lot of other people w/ weakened immune systems and poor health and I do not want to expose them.


Thank you, Thank you, Thank you for being so considerate. Having had the "C" twice with all the treatment that entailed has left my immune system a wreck and nothing I do seems to help much. Your co-workers thank you. If they don't I will for them. I absolutlely dread the cold and flu season, almost to paranoia.

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