
How to end a conversation on Facebook chat but still stay online?

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SO, how do you do it?

I don't want to hide my online status because I like it when people pop up to say hi. BUT, there are also times I need to wrap up a conversation with someone but still want to stay on FB to keep an eye on updates. Sometimes it's honestly because I'm working on something else with half-an-eye on updates, and sometimes I'm just done talking to this particular person. But if I make an excuse to end the conversation but they can see I'm still online, I'm convinced they'll be thinking prickish things about me, which in some cases I fully deserve...

So how does one end a FB converstaion while neither

a) logging off facebook,


b) looking like an ass?

Elvisio "it vexes me" Rodriguez

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You can just take your chat offline but still keep facebook open to get updates. Just click on the gear looking thing in the chat box & choose "go offline".

If you're just done with that one person, either just end the convo. Or I'll be honest I've used the "time to make dinner/lunch/do laundry" or whatever. say goodbye & you can stay online.

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I too didn't like an option "I'm offline" (to everybody) so I quit FB.
later on, friends convinced me that there's an option to make yourself invisible for certain people.
It's too late now for me, I'm not going back there for the 4th time but you may stay:)

What goes around, comes later.

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I think a lot of people appear online these days when they're not looking at FB, because people leave teh PC on, or are logged in on their mobile, so there may be less of an expectation than you think about getting chat responses. This may even be the logic behind FB's decision to merge chat and messages.

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My all-time favorite:

"Piss off. I'm done."

Second favorite:

"I gotta go take a shit."

Third favorite (for the women only):

"Say. Your chat makes me horny. Wanna have cyber sex?"

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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What about saying something like, "It was nice catching up with you but I have to go. Thanks and have a good one."

It is a pet peeve of mine when a person doesn't want to chat anymore but they just cut you off. You wouldn't walk away from a conversation without saying goodbye face to face.

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