
Begging for votes, y'all hook a bratha up

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I'm trying to win a set of these headsets. This is kind of skydiving related because I want to use them for communications at the boogie. Please go here and vote for our photo. I know it's nothing special but it's the only one I had that showed our headsets being used.

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Voted for you again! Hope you win!http://apps.facebook.com/contestsapps/showentry/Cardo-facebook-contest-win-a-scala-rider-G4/5980?fbpage_id=130834130261805

Looks like you can vote once a day for your contest, might be the same for mine. Pretty please do!!!
http://www.maythebestphotowin.com Title "April Schuldt" page 3

Every vote helps!! Please help us win!!
Much appreciated!

Blue Skies,
Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.

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I know this is an annoying shamless plug, but pretty please vote one more time you guys!!! (These are two completely separate contests)
Spence is first vote, I'm(April) the bottom photo link. THANK YOU!!!! THANK YOU!!!! :)Blue Skies,April


http://www.maythebestphotowin.com/ Go to page 3,Title is "April Schuldt" It's a 9way CRW shot~hope u like it!

Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.

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I know I jumped in on this thread, but I figured Spence would get more votes by bumping the thread, hope he did!
Thanks for all the cool people who took the time to vote for both of us. :)
The ones who went out of their way to tell me they didn't vote for me, why so bitter? yes, you somewhat achieved hurting my feelings but, it's sincerely your loss since it's one of the prettiest skydiving pictures I've ever seen. (Never photoshop, pure natural beauty up there!)
Really, even if you don't vote for it, at least let it make you smile! I don't even need to know :P

Take a peek Page 3 Title"April Schuldt" & vote if you'd like,Thank you&Blue Skies!


Please Vote for Spence again too!:

Experience is what you get when you don't get what you want.

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