
Car Surfing - What could possibly go wrong?

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Now I may be a bit late to the party of knowledge about Car Surfing, but the news article showing the young girl that got seriously hurt just amazes me.

Is there something about falling off a car while moving that does not alert a person to the possibility of getting hurt really bad? Or is it a YouTube thing?

Equally amazing is the videos I have seen of two people on a motorcycle doing a wheelie, (and flipping over backward!) I can see doing one yourself, but trusting your buddy up front to keep balance for both of you? And not wearing helmets? Whew...

Damn, they might as well jump out of an airplane.

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We (ages ago) called this Freeway R.W. It usually required more than one vehicle.

It rarely ended well.

Youth! It's convinced it is indestructible! ;)

eta: It also thinks it has the only original thought to date. :P

The funny part is that both my statements generally prove to be somewhat true. Otherwise, none of us oldsters would ever have grandkids. :o:D

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