
Documentary recommendations

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I'm looking for good documentaries to watch. I found a thread but only for adventure sports sort of biographies. I am interested in exploration, food (Food, Inc sort of things), politics, history, sports, a pretty wide gamut. Let me hear your favorites.
"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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Food, Inc. is a good documentary about our food production/consumption in the US. About our farmers that are bullied, harassed, threatened, sued, and shut down by big corporations for the love of the dollar. Also the unsanitary and inhumane way we raise and slaughter our animals.

You'll be disgusted and probably change your eating habits.

Edit: Didn't read the Inc. part after the food part. Im a bit of a scanner when I read. Not my good, so its a my bad.

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Try googling "documentaries 2010" and you will hit on various people's "Best of" lists. That should get you some ideas of the better offerings in 2010, then start going back a year at a time.

Of course, you will have to go back pretty far to get a list with the all-time best documentary ever in the history of the world: "This is Spinal Tap". If you haven't seen that, then (IMO) that is the place to start.

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Also, try netflix...

There is no better bang for your buck, and all the documentaries you can handle, and most can be streamed to you computer or TV in HD on demand!

1 month free trial, and 8.99 a month thereafter.

Some documentaries and movies like "Inside Job" are DVD only and will be received within a day or two.

I'd give you my affiliate link, but that's against the rules...besides, dz.com is an affiliate, if you can find their link click it and make this terrible biased website some money.:P

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"When We Were Kings" - The Academy Award winning documentary of the Ali - Foreman "Rumble in the Jungle" heavyweight title fight in 1974.

"Riding Giants" documentary about big wave surfing. I am no surfer but I found this fascinating.

"Gonzo" documentary about Dr. Hunter S. Thompson.

"Genghis Blues" - Academy Award nominated documentary about Paul Pena, the writer of "Big Old Jet Airliner", how he taught himself Tuvan throat singing and then went to the Central Asian nation of Tuva to compete in their national singing contest.

"No Direction Home" Scorsese film about Bob DyLan's early years.

"No tyranny is so irksome as petty tyranny: the officious demands of policemen, government clerks, and electromechanical gadgets." - Edward Abbey

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Jesus Camp sucked...

And what kind of description is that on imdb?
"A documentary on kids who attend a summer camp hoping to becedome the next Billy Graham?" Really?:D

I think honest people will see it for what it's worth, while most will just use it as another excuse to further their bigotry, hatred and denial.

Besides that, Restrepo was good but bad at the same time...

I would also like to recommended "Constantine's Sword."
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Jesus Camp sucked...

And what kind of description is that on imdb?
"A documentary on kids who attend a summer camp hoping to becedome the next Billy Graham?" Really?:D

Subjectively accurate? Just like your comment that it "sucked."
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Jesus Camp sucked...

And what kind of description is that on imdb?
"A documentary on kids who attend a summer camp hoping to becedome the next Billy Graham?" Really?:D

Subjectively accurate? Just like your comment that it "sucked."

But if it were to be more accurate, it say something like...

"Kids hoping to be the next Ted Haggard..."

Oh, ya...btw...God forbid Jesus Camp actually be about Jesus...

I found it interesting that the actual camp is called "Kids on Fire" in Devil's Lake North Dakota...:S
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"When We Were Kings" - The Academy Award winning documentary of the Ali - Foreman "Rumble in the Jungle" heavyweight title fight in 1974.GREAT

"Riding Giants" documentary about big wave surfing. I am no surfer but I found this fascinating. GREAT

"Gonzo" documentary about Dr. Hunter S. Thompson. Not seen

"Genghis Blues" - Academy Award nominated documentary about Paul Pena, the writer of "Big Old Jet Airliner", how he taught himself Tuvan throat singing and then went to the Central Asian nation of Tuva to compete in their national singing contest. GREAT

"No Direction Home" Scorsese film about Bob DyLan's early years. Not seen
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I second "Murderball".

Another favorite is "Man on Wire" about the French high wire walker who traversed New York's WTC Twin Towers. Very inspirational (and a bit nostalgic as you watch the Towers being built, knowing what would happen to them just a couple of decades later).

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I second "Murderball".

And it was Lori that turned me on to it. So, thanks for that.

One more from me if you've never seen it and is probably something every history buff probably ought to.

Triumph of the Will

Actually, now that I think about it, maybe not just every history buff, but everybody. People probably should learn to recognize what true propaganda looks like. I swear some people just don't know.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Thanks for all the recommendations, some I had already seen, some were in my queue and some I've added at your suggestion. Unfortunately some of the ones I most wanted to see are not available on Netflix streaming, I may have to add the delivery option, not sure.

When We Were Kings is great
As was the Everest one about Conrad Anker

Keep them coming.
"What if there were no hypothetical questions?"

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