
My three hole punch rocks!!

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ooooooh....we bind our own courseware here and we have a machine that punches like 50 teeny circles out of one page...then we also have a three-hole punch. MULTI-SIZED LITTLE PRETTY CIRCLES!!! WOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! :P

dude...i'm sooo saving these up for a southern cali "snow day" under canopy at elsinore. well...okay, maybe not, too messy, but wouldn't that be fun? ;)

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Great Idea ORB|<--- Or stuff several hand fulls of them into an unsuspecting persons canopy as they are packing:)>:(...

oh, you are EVIL....E V I L !

But if one wanted to do that...would you put it in the slider as its quartered?

or is there a better place....>:(
I'm not usually into the whole 3-way thing, but you got me a little excited with that. - Skymama
BTR #1 / OTB^5 Official #2 / Hellfish #408 / VSCR #108/Tortuga/Orfun

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I love my three hole punch. I know everybody loves my hole punch too. They want it and are jealous. I will protect my hole puncher with my life. I have the best three hole punch in the world...



~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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weLL I have a sleek black Swingline stapler that everyone wants.... I let them use it when they are nice to me.

A Swingline.... HA!

Sure you loan it out...

You're HOPING someone will run away with her.
..ahhh, I mean it!

There is no real affection for your stapler....
you're just 'using' it to further your career...

But just let it jam up...

Ruin a report or two...

You'll toss it aside...just like those STAPLES
you said you liked so much!!!

Once you've been serviced by a strong,
sharp, well built 3 hole punch...

You too will know why those around you,
look with envy and plot endlessly on ways
to covet that punch...

And bid to be it's master!

Edited to add;

I gotta get to bed!:S

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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It is a wonderful feeling of synchronicity when you press down and through just the right amount of paper using your three-hole punch.

It all comes together when all the pages of your work line up evenly and join into an even flow within your 3-ring binder...utter harmony.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? Perhaps...

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It is a wonderful feeling of synchronicity when you press down and through just the right amount of paper using your three-hole punch.

It all comes together when all the pages of your work line up evenly and join into an even flow within your 3-ring binder...utter harmony.

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder? Perhaps...


It shows there is in fact order to the universe!B|

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Will this thread go away when the warranty runs out on Seb's 3 hole punch?

This thread will probably go away when the number of posts approaches that of threads that the masters like or started themselves. At least, that's the only reason I can come up with for them killing the Silent Thread. Or maybe it's just a coincidence that the silent thread was killed as it got within 84 posts (in two months less time) of the Skydive Arizona Dropzone.com 2nd Annual Holiday Boogie thread.


If you don't believe me, ask me.

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I finally found a chair that rolls real smooth. WIth one push off I can get from one end of the datacenter to the other. If I put the seat all the way up, I can kind of get a little arch going and then some spin action. It's kind of like computer room horizontal free fly ( but the recepionist on the other side of the glass looks at me really strange)

Let me live in my house by the side of the road and be a friend to man- Sam Walter Foss

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I just wanted to let everyone in this thread know that I picked up the ultimate in office machinery yesterday.....

It will pulverize your favorite stapler, three-hole punch, magic 8 ball (not that I would want to do that) and all of your favorite colored pens and post-its! MWHAAAAAA!!!

Its a SEM model 200 Pulverizer with a 20 gal shop vac. This thing will eat and turn to dust anything I put in it. It's loud as hell and makes really cool chomping sounds when you put CD's in it (whoops.)

it's powered by a 1.5 hp electric motor and the vac looks like R2-D2 on crack in a wheel chair.

edit- because I forgot to add that it has an infared sensor powered shredder on the top! So i can also chew up to 80 pages at one time before I turn it to dust!!!

I'm gonna try pulverizing my sandwich and a soda can after lunch! WOOOHOOOO!

*Note to self---the entire building can hear this machine when I start it up. Must make note of this when staff meetings are called.

I think I'll name her Mertile!!!!

Send me your worn out office supplies so that I might pulverize all of the infidels!!!! MWHAAAHAAAA!!

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I was thinking of pens today. I have some cool ones with all sorts of tips and inks and what not. And a pretty much endless supply of them. Which is a good thing cause out of nervousness and anxiety I chew many of my pens to the point where I have to constantly keep throwing them out and replacing them. I need a bomb proof (or tooth proof) pen...

Good thing the firm does not regulate my pen consumption:P

Other than that you know my three hole bunch is my favorite item in my cube here.

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I have tons of pens, pencils, a three hole punch, a two hole punch, and several single hole punches, plus tons of apers, a white board, markers, and crayons. You guys and your cubes are way out numbered and out classed. I have my own window too.:P

Hot Mama
At least you know where you stand even if it is in a pile of shit.

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I was thinking of pens today.

Thanks to Lummy's sister... i have the COOLEST pens. B| The one's I'm using right now have are all soft like a stuffed animal and one has a stuffed witch at the end and one has a stuffed pumpkin.

How spoiled am I???

ps: i also have pink and purple bunny ones. :)
Life is too short. Don't sweat the small stuff.

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