
Motorcycle People Please Help Me Out :)

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************Asking motorcycle people about scooters is like asking an F1 racer about skateboards.

Get the no name Chinese one that goes 15 mph slower than traffic.

I can't believe those things are even allowed on local streets with more than a 25mph speed limit.

I like your analogy. :P

I had a Honda Metropolitan over the summer. Jap bike? Rice burner? :D

Better my sister in a whorehouse than my brother on a Honda! :P

You Harley guys are a riot!! Does Harley make a scooter? :)


It's called a Sportster...:)

:ph34r::ph34r::ph34r: I KNEW that's what you were going to say. My ex Husband had one and it looked so tiny. Circus like. :)
Always be kinder than you feel.

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************Asking motorcycle people about scooters is like asking an F1 racer about skateboards.

Get the no name Chinese one that goes 15 mph slower than traffic.

I can't believe those things are even allowed on local streets with more than a 25mph speed limit.

I like your analogy. :P

I had a Honda Metropolitan over the summer. Jap bike? Rice burner? :D

Better my sister in a whorehouse than my brother on a Honda! :P

You Harley guys are a riot!! Does Harley make a scooter? :)


It's called a Sportster...:)

Well, there was this one, too!

I sold my Sporty (1977 AMF) to do AFF and buy my first rig. :)

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***************Asking motorcycle people about scooters is like asking an F1 racer about skateboards.

Get the no name Chinese one that goes 15 mph slower than traffic.

I can't believe those things are even allowed on local streets with more than a 25mph speed limit.

I like your analogy. :P

I had a Honda Metropolitan over the summer. Jap bike? Rice burner? :D

Better my sister in a whorehouse than my brother on a Honda! :P

You Harley guys are a riot!! Does Harley make a scooter? :)


It's called a Sportster...:)

Well, there was this one, too!

I sold my Sporty (1977 AMF) to do AFF and buy my first rig. :)
It's cute!! And just think, if you hadn't sold it you may not have been sitting at the computer chatting with us lovely people!! :D
Always be kinder than you feel.

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You have received all the advice you need, jez wanted to share this pic.
Pulled into a parking lot one day right next to this "scoot". Took a pic...when I came out of the store the lady who owned the scooter was taking a pic of my bike and said "when she grows up, she wants to be just like that!"

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You have received all the advice you need, jez wanted to share this pic.
Pulled into a parking lot one day right next to this "scoot". Took a pic...when I came out of the store the lady who owned the scooter was taking a pic of my bike and said "when she grows up, she wants to be just like that!"

HAHA!! They're BOTH very nice looking!! I wouldn't take up a regular parking spot with the scooter though. I'm used to Scooter Parking areas. :P:P
Always be kinder than you feel.

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*********Asking motorcycle people about scooters is like asking an F1 racer about skateboards.

Get the no name Chinese one that goes 15 mph slower than traffic.

I can't believe those things are even allowed on local streets with more than a 25mph speed limit.

I like your analogy. :P

I had a Honda Metropolitan over the summer. Jap bike? Rice burner? :D

Better my sister in a whorehouse than my brother on a Honda! :P

You Harley guys are a riot!! Does Harley make a scooter? :)

Yes and this is mine. :)

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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************Asking motorcycle people about scooters is like asking an F1 racer about skateboards.

Get the no name Chinese one that goes 15 mph slower than traffic.

I can't believe those things are even allowed on local streets with more than a 25mph speed limit.

I like your analogy. :P

I had a Honda Metropolitan over the summer. Jap bike? Rice burner? :D

Better my sister in a whorehouse than my brother on a Honda! :P

You Harley guys are a riot!! Does Harley make a scooter? :)

Yes and this is mine. :)


Oh that's pretty!! Shiny!! B|
Always be kinder than you feel.

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Gee...never woulda guessed YOU would opt for THAT color! :ph34r:

It's a HAPPY color! Aren't you happy when you're on your bike? B|:DB|B|

I'm always happy!

No, about EVERYTHING Sparky owns is that color! ;)

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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Gee...never woulda guessed YOU would opt for THAT color! :ph34r:

It's a HAPPY color! Aren't you happy when you're on your bike? B|:DB|B|

I'm always happy!

No, about EVERYTHING Sparky owns is that color! ;)

Aha! Well, consistency is good!! :D:D
Always be kinder than you feel.

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Gee...never woulda guessed YOU would opt for THAT color! :ph34r:

It's a HAPPY color! Aren't you happy when you're on your bike? B|:DB|B|

I'm always happy!

No, about EVERYTHING Sparky owns is that color! ;)

Aha! Well, consistency is good!! :D:D

Not for us Cub fans...:(

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I avoid anything but Honda. They are known for quality and reliability. Not a fan of scooters, but understand your reasoning.
I know it just wouldnt be right to kill all the stupid people that we meet..

But do you think it would be appropriate to just remove all of the warning labels and let nature take its course.

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cc = cubic centimeters

Put simply, it is the size of the engine, and gives a relatively good idea of power (ie: low cc = small engine size = less power). Just like your skydiving gear, the reality is not quite so straightforward and there are other factors to consider, but for your purposes, just know that bigger pretty much means more power. Bigger also means heavier (although again, things like gyros mean that a 500cc bike is paradoxically more "stable" than a 125cc). Here is a site that nicely explains cc's without getting into the more complicated stuff: http://www.dmv.org/how-to-guides/motorcycle-ccs.php

As for getting a scooter... I have to disagree with pretty much everyone who says they are no good because they lack power and good brakes... If you plan to use a scooter for short journeys (ie: inter-city commuting only), they are much more appropriate than a motorcycle, in my opinion. They are designed to be easy, practical and wizzy. They are NOT designed to go fast or get you out of a pickle, but you should not get INTO a high-speed pickle as long as you put-put into town (as opposed to the highway). If you wanted something for longer distances or for going on interstates, THEN a motorcylce is without a doubt the more appropriate ride.

If you are going to stick to smaller inter-city riding, I would not recommend a 125 cc bike over a 125 cc scooter... You have all the inconvenience of something small (low power, for a start), with all the "hassle" of changing gears (especially if you can't wizz between traffic, which apparently you can't in the US - consider all that starting-stopping... Like a stick-shift vs automatic car...), not having storage space (usually), et cetera. Personally, if you have no desire to ever get to a bigger bike or to ride on bigger roads, I don't see the point in getting a motorcycle. I LOVED my Ninja 250R - I think it's the perfect starter bike. But it is a bike and in traffic and in the city, my boyfriend's 125 cc scooter is hands-down the more appropriate/practical vehicle. You'd be hard-pressed to get a biker to admit it, but it's true.

My boyfriend has a KYMCO Agility 125 cc (http://www.kymcousa.com/showroom/scooters/agility125/index.html). Good, reliable and practical scooter. Over here they are affordable but don't depreciate too quickly. He has a topcase in the back for more storage (helmet, groceries, et cetera). Just know that a topcase is attractive for thieves so unless you are leaving something temporarily in there (ie: helmet, when you're doing groceries), it's not a bad idea to leave it empty and unlocked when the scooter is parked for any length of time. I have an R6 (big-ish bike) and I sometimes borrow his scooter for small runs to the store or when I have a couple of bags to take with me. Vespas are also good. Even people who know virtually nothing about scooters have likely heard of Vespa, and there is a reason why they are so popular (it's not just because they are affordable).

Go to a scooter store. Ask questions. See if you can't try some different ones - even just to sit on them. (Speaking of seats... Most scooters have a considerably lower seat than a motorcycle... If you are short, this does make a difference and would make motorcycles all the more challenging - though not impossible.) Take a course - even if you don't have to. Being on 2 wheels makes you infinitely more vulnerable/invisible to other drivers - being safe means avoiding lots of idiots on the road (even if you do everything correctly, you always have to anticipate that the other guy could at any moment do something stupid/wrong that would kill you). Riding a moped/scooter/motorcycle will totally change the way you view other drivers and driving all-together. It is practical, for sure. It's also dangerous. Very dangerous. But you know that :P

Good luck :))

"There is no problem so bad you can't make it worse."
- Chris Hadfield
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- my boss

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