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If you are asking "How long is too long between L4 & L5?" I think that you will find that most DZs adhere to the USPA reccomendation of 30 day max between jumps for students.

If you are short on money, and given that the jumping weather is terrible in much of the country now and for the next few months, here is a plan to consider:

Stay on the ground and save your $$$ until you have enough money to finish AFF and perhaps half of the remaining jumps needed for your license. I bet that by then you will have good weather, and you will be able to do the jumps in a prompt progression.

This plan helps in several ways:

--It keeps you from fighting lousy weather (if that is an issue where you live).
--It lets you move through the jumps promptly, which will help you learn better AND will often help with the "jitters".
--It keeps you from stressing about "I should go to the DZ... but I don't have the $ or nerve." You have already decided to stay on the ground for a while.

Come back to the DZ with $, good WX, and an eager attitude... and you will be surprised at how fast you will progress!

Yes, you will probably have to do recurrency training and re-do your last level when you return. Both of those are good for both safety and the jitters!

I wish you the best!!!
The choices we make have consequences, for us & for others!

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