
Alan Eustace Jumps From Stratosphere, Breaking Felix Baumgartner’s World Record

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i love it.

reminds me a bit of gary connery's wingsuit landing. gary did NOT do his in total secrecy, but it had the same minimalist feel, just put together the bare minimum team and strategy, and get out and do it.
It's flare not flair, brakes not breaks, bridle not bridal, "could NOT care less" not "could care less".

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The article said the whole thing was planned and done in utmost secrecy. Interesting.... Quite the opposite of Baumgartner's effort. Plus, Alan didn't use a capsule to sit inside. Damn...
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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He probably had to keep things secret due to the investors. They don't want to see Google CEO partaking high risk activity.

I'm pretty sure this is the same google CEO, who learned how to skydive under Jim Wallace at Skydive Perris, approximately three years ago.
Bernie Sanders for President 2016

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USPA posted these on FB

CLASSIFICATION: Class G—Parachuting
Sub-class: G-2 (Performance Records)
Category: General
Group: Altitude/Fall Records
Type of record: Exit Altitude
Location: Roswell, NM (USA)
Performance: 41,420 meters (135,890 feet)
Parachutist: Alan Eustace (USA)
Date: 24.10.2014
Sub-class: G-2 (Performance Records)
Category: General
Group: Altitude/Fall Records
Type of record: Distance of Fall with drogue/stabilizing device
Course/location: Roswell, NM (USA)
Performance: 37,617 meters (123,414 feet)
Parachutist: Alan Eustace (USA)
Date: 24.10.2014
Sub-class: G-2 (Performance Records)
Category: General
Group: Vertical Speed Records
Type of record: Vertical Speed with drogue/stabilizing device
Course/location: Roswell, NM (USA)
Performance: 1,321 km/hour (821 MPH, MACH 1.23)
Parachutist: Alan Eustace (USA)
Date: 24.10.2014




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Regardless of his position, his choice were far positive than the other google executive who overdosed on heroin.

You mean murdered by heroin overdose?

Congrats to Alan.
Stupidity if left untreated is self-correcting
If ya can't be good, look good, if that fails, make 'em laugh.

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I'm pretty sure this is the same google CEO, who learned how to skydive under Jim Wallace at Skydive Perris, approximately three years ago.

Eustace has four digit D license number, so probably not the same guy you're thinking of.

- Dan G

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apparently his sister is my business partners neighbor. She hit me up with an e-mail yesterday with a link to the news article. She says she has known he was going to do this for a couple of months but was sworn to secrecy.

very cool keeping it secret until it was accomplished
You can't be drunk all day if you don't start early!

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here is an FB update from Paragon today

Today, almost 6 months after Alan Eustace made his near-space dive from a high altitude balloon, the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale, FAI - The World Air Sports Federation, has released his official parachuting world record breaking numbers.
• Exit Altitude
- 41 422 m (Previous record 38 969.4 by Felix Baumgartner)
• Distance fall with drogue device
- 37 623 m
- No previous record set
• Vertical speed with a drogue device
- 1320 km/h
- No previous record set
Grant Anderson, President and CEO and co-founder of Paragon, said, “Although Alan did not go into this project expecting to break records, these official numbers are certainly something for the entire StratEx team to celebrate. The possibilities are endless for what humans can do in the Stratosphere and this program was an important step in demonstrating that.”
For more information on the StratEx program please visit http://www.paragonsdc.com/stratex/

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