
Dislocated Shoulder video, buddy deploys for him

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Probably didn't feel too good with his buddy taking that dock on the arm.

But hey, atleast he got some nylon out.
"I may be a dirty pirate hooker...but I'm not about to go stand on the corner." iluvtofly
DPH -7, TDS 578, Muff 5153, SCR 14890
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The jumper could have pulled silver by 12k feet, yet decided to wait until 4500 for his friend to pull his main. Which if he opened in spinning line twists would now have to cut away with his left hand.

Just sayin', I'd rather pull silver up high than wait till someone can chase me down to pull my main. If theres something wrong with that I'm all ears.

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1. we can SEE the tumble, where the accident occurs...lesson? When a pregripped ANYway starts rockin' & rollin' immediately....please consider throwing away the Grips!! stay close. get the relative wind onto your front. Fly into position, and re grip...Trying to FIX It.. is easier, UNgripped.:|

2 Great video work and awareness by the camera person. The injured jumper KNOWS he's hurt and is maybe trying to ASK for a deployment. BUT he's staying very atitude aware.. good.

3. someone else seems to be trying to help... but winds up more of a no show.. Hopefully the camera person was also tuned into that approach.. [:/] though it's not in frame.. Looks like the injured person was falling pretty fast...

4. the dock was a little rough,but sometimes positive is good. and the pull and timing for tossing the P C was good... Excellent look UP to be sure , first.:)
No real reason to worry about a main mal. ( and subsequent worrisomeness about "Now what are ya' gonna do'?? ) it's a non issue.. if the injured person is flat and stable at pull time...
Should the 1 in a thousand chance for a mal occur.. then Altitude, a cool head, and cutting away and pulling a reserve should solve That...we do have two hands.

Hope he got to a safe landing...

5 years ago my right shoulder popped during a CASA exit of a 6 way..There were10 people or so on the jump and i got under it so fast that most of the group rebuilt above me.. One friend also a fast faller, got in front of me at one point.. and though i tried twice to ask him to " PULL my Main!!!".:S:S. [/crazy][/crazy] he didn't catch on... which was a good thing!!!
i shifted focus to pulling my reserve , left handed. once i reached three-five, i waved left handed while my right was flapping over my head like the tail of a kite... and checked overhead and pulled. I have a 210 main but a 225 reserve...;) landed ok, a good friend retrieved my freebag near the runway, about the time i PLF'd my landing...in the landing area...:)
Altitude is crucial in these sort of accidents. the More the better and since most dislocations seem to happen on exit, it really helps if everyone on the dive stays aware of what has happened..
After my experience i realized what i had done wrong!!!!.. not in regards to the exit which caused the injury (because i did absolutely NOTHING wrong then:o:P:P;) ) but in regards to my thought to try to ASK someone else to pull for me.... we were maybe at 7 or 8 grand and any main deployment at that Atitude would have been a POOR choice, considering that a whole bunch of my friends were still in freefall somewhere above me... but Hopefully off to the side... can't be sure, but i might have been backsliding while my arm was out and above me...So that was a BAD idea.>:(

plus any high altitude opening could easily result in an off field landing which we Do NOT want , for an already injured jumper.

good video. good thread.
valuable to discuss..

safety first, and what the Hell, safety second too


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The jumper could have pulled silver by 12k feet, yet decided to wait until 4500 for his friend to pull his main. Which if he opened in spinning line twists would now have to cut away with his left hand.

Just sayin', I'd rather pull silver up high than wait till someone can chase me down to pull my main. If theres something wrong with that I'm all ears.

There is, but
We are only wrong.. until things have been explained to us.

... as posted above... pulling anything!!! up high may not be wise...
what about any others on the dive?? who are above you?? of who may have seen your issue, and and fully aware that there's plenty of altitude to go after you, :| and are on a rescue mission at the very moment??? and so ,, You're gonna greet them with a face full of reserve Pilot CHUTE!!???.... see what i mean???
What if you DO look up,, and someone is there?? now do you STOP.. with the move to pull silver??? i would.

Maybe the jumper who is considering " just pull SOMEthing" ... isn't even Thinking about what's going on around him..... >:(

NO, stay altitude conscious.. :|
Pull at 10 grand, and it's a windy day... and Now you'll have a whole OTHER emergency to deal with...a one armed off field landing under your Reserve!!! yikes!!

No , stay cool.. Pull Silver....when others should be tracking away. I'd say you can "pull in place" in such a situation..
but don't pull at a real high altiude Unless, you're about to go unconcious...

ps looked at the video again.. interesting airplane. (pause the vid..a second or two after exit ) double tail boom... any idea of it's speed on exit???
Location?? Europe??


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The jumper could have pulled silver by 12k feet, yet decided to wait until 4500 for his friend to pull his main. Which if he opened in spinning line twists would now have to cut away with his left hand.

Just sayin', I'd rather pull silver up high than wait till someone can chase me down to pull my main. If theres something wrong with that I'm all ears.

What happens if his reserve opens in "spinning line twists?" Is that really a better alternative? Ill take the ~1 in 1000 chance that ill have to do a 1 handed cutaway.

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