
If you're doing a night jump and have a Neptune 2, read this!

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If you have an Altimaster Neptune 2, please be advised that the backlight may not stay lit while under canopy. The back light will turn on as soon as you exit the air craft, but once you're under canopy it may turn on and off sporadically. I contacted the company and they are aware that it is a problem, but don't know how to fix it. They have not issued a safety bulletin nor have they included anything in their manual about this situation so if you have a N2, please use a back up lighting method.

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If you have an Altimaster Neptune 2, please be advised that the backlight may not stay lit while under canopy. The back light will turn on as soon as you exit the air craft, but once you're under canopy it may turn on and off sporadically. I contacted the company and they are aware that it is a problem, but don't know how to fix it. They have not issued a safety bulletin nor have they included anything in their manual about this situation so if you have a N2, please use a back up lighting method.

I got several night jumps with my Neptune without any issues. I don't use any alarms with that.

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My experince has been that it was specifically the canopy alarms that cause the backlight to go out... If you turn them off beforehand, you should be OK. At least as OK as any battery-powered alti can make you...:ph34r:

Good judgement comes from experience, and most of that comes from bad judgement.

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