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Hi there folks!

I am new to this place and would like to briefly introduce myself. I live in Switzerland, 34 years of age and have jumped five times so far, one of them being an AFF-Level 1-jump two years ago. Since then I am totally addicted to skydiving. Whenever I look up into the sky, I see myself up there!

I have been contemplating to get into it for real and enrol on an AFF course but I really feel nervous about it for two reasons:

I have a very little disability on my right foot, its stiff, I can move it up and down only slightly. But actually it's more the landing part that really makes me jumpy. As well as on the tandems and on the AFF Level 1 I couldn't land on my feet. I plain and simply forgot to flare! Went all to fast before I could react.

This is no reason to quit is it and could you guys give me some hints on flaring? I'd really appreciate it.

so bye for now and blue skies

Pinky 2

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I don't think you should quit either because of your foot, most of the tandems I've seen have landed on their butt kinda like in a slide with your feet out in front of you. I also have seen others who come in for a landing and flare a little late and just land in a small slide on their butt much like a tandem does.

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Hi Skymama

Thanks for the encouraging words, and no, I shouldn't give up, you're right. Learning to PLF well, will probably be the best solution for me, at least at the beginning. One day, I guess and hope so, I will be able to perform a "proper" landing with satisfaction.;)

Have fun on your future RWs.


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Hell... my buddies leg fell off on deployment.B|

No really, it did. They had a group of kids from a birthday party help find it. It was a prosthetic leg of course, but it was a very expensive prosthetic leg.

Hmm. I wonder if you could pack it its own separate parachute so if it falls off, it can deploy its parachute and come down without taking damage. *wanders off to design a reserve parachute for a leg*
I'm trying to teach myself how to set things on fire with my mind. Hey... is it hot in here?

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Hi Skymama

Thanks for the encouraging words, and no, I shouldn't give up, you're right. Learning to PLF well, will probably be the best solution for me, at least at the beginning. One day, I guess and hope so, I will be able to perform a "proper" landing with satisfaction.;)

Have fun on your future RWs.


I gave words of encouragement too..where's my props? >:(

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