
Rookie saying hello

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Hey everyone....I've been doing a lot of research and browsing on here but decided to hold off until I had my first jumped booked. I got a 18000 foot tandem scheduled with a few friends at the dropzone here in Cullman Alabama. I look forward to it and hope to meet some new friends along the way.:)

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Thanks! Great to be here. I didn't realize that I was lucky enough to live about 30 minutes away from a dropzone that offered jumps that high. They say I'm suppsed to fall for a minute and a half. It should be fun....,hopefully it will be my first of many.

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I have a feeling that is coming. I've already begun looking over the different levels and what is required to pass. I'm suprised I waited this long in life to get into skydiving but I'm only 33 so I got plenty of time. I'm not nervous at all and I like that the fact that for my first jump I get to simply enjoy the ride. I'm going to decide after the jump whether to go straight to AFF or get a few more tandems in to "get used" to falling so I can keep my head in check for the test.

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Being only 33 you have plenty of time to skydive, but the sooner the better to get into it. About doing more tandems to get used to jumping is a good thing. When going through the aff course you have alot more to do. The best thing to do when going through aff is to relax and remember there is plenty of time in the skydive to get done what you need to do. Never rush. Slow is fast and fast is slow. You will have progressions as you go through and when you get to the A license exams it will be easier than you think. I never did a tandem when I started I just went straight into it. My first tandem was actually a few hundred skydives later. lol. Since then I have done more for friends getting there rating.

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Thanks for the advice. I enjoy the fact that I'm so new to all this and have so much to learn. Watching videos of people attempting AFF test it's so easy to sit there and say all the motions look so simple. I give you props for going straight to it. I thought about going that route but I am going this time with several other friends/rookies and want to have the group experience. Hopefully this will get them interested as well.

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BTW can somebody throw me a general estimate on what cost I might be looking at for gear. After browsing through chutes and canisters and everything I'm beginning to realize this is can be a pretty expensive sport. I'm sure there are deals and it's crazy to pay retail prices but I'm looking for a good minimum to average estimate. Thanks for helping a noob.

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When I first started in this sport I bought my first rig at $1550. For used gear, depending on when it was manf. and how many jumps, you can spend up to 2-3K. For brand new gear custom made to fit, you can spend up to and over $4000. All depending on what options you want and what else you decide to get with it.

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I got my A license last summer and bought my first rig last fall. Somebody told me to get lots of advice before investing so I did - from my instructors and others at the DZ before I started to look. I'm a small-frame women and couldn't find any used containers that would fit so I ordered a custom Wings. Also bought my Cypres new. Found a great used reserve on dropzone.com and bought a used main from a friend who was downsizing (it only had 100 jumps on it!) All told I probably invested a little over $6000 in my gear. But it will cost you lots less if you can buy a used container too. There's nothing quite as exciting as jumping your own gear the first time! Keep looking on Dropzone.com for used canopies. They are out there. But do your homework first. And be patient.

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