
Hi from Merseyside UK

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Hey guys, I've been on here a few times and posted about my tandem experience for charity back in April last year. I was unable to get my aff booked last summer due to finances but now the moneys in the bank and I'm awaiting my start date (hopefully early May) :)

I'm really excited to get back up there and get stuck in. It might sound stupid but my biggest fear (sorry Brian) is making sure I don't mess up the landing pattern, I have no major concerns over the exit, free fall, etc. Guess I'm just strange lol
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Hi mate! Welcome :) I am kind of exactly where you were last year, great to see you've kept the enthusiasm and raring to go this year!

My main concern is the canopy landing and felt like I was the only one out there thinking this too! (You're not alone!) From people I have spoke to the general feeling is that it comes quite naturally once you have had the training and receive radio instructions, but clearly not to be taken for granted.

Being up merseyside way, would the Black Knights be your DZ choice? (Where did you do your tandem?)


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Hi mate! Welcome :) I am kind of exactly where you were last year, great to see you've kept the enthusiasm and raring to go this year!

My main concern is the canopy landing and felt like I was the only one out there thinking this too! (You're not alone!) From people I have spoke to the general feeling is that it comes quite naturally once you have had the training and receive radio instructions, but clearly not to be taken for granted.

Being up merseyside way, would the Black Knights be your DZ choice? (Where did you do your tandem?)


Hey man, I did my tandem at cark - Nw parachute centre. I'm doing aff with the guys at aff school based at cark. It's about 20 mins further on than black knights but I feel at home at cark so it's all good. I'm so so excited about ground school and my first jump... That tandum feeling fades a little over a year but it sure as hell ain't died so aff here I come :)
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Hello, I'm starting training in May as well, up in Scotland.

Landings yes! The rest appears easy, jump out a plane and fall. Not sure it's as easy as that. The AFF looks good with the instructors jumping with you. Basically means mistakes are sorted by someone on the way down.

I'm doing static line... every jump is solo *gulp*.

All the best with the AFF and maybe once we're licensed I'll join you for another charity jump. That would be cool.

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Hello, I'm starting training in May as well, up in Scotland.

Landings yes! The rest appears easy, jump out a plane and fall. Not sure it's as easy as that. The AFF looks good with the instructors jumping with you. Basically means mistakes are sorted by someone on the way down.

I'm doing static line... every jump is solo *gulp*.

All the best with the AFF and maybe once we're licensed I'll join you for another charity jump. That would be cool.

good luck you too mate, maybe i can come to your DZ for a few jumps once we have both progressed or vice versa... nice one :D
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Did ground school last saturday but due to windy/wet weather was unable to jump, same on the Sunday!!

Due back at the DZ on sat morning to try and get my level one in. If the weather is nice I will try and jump all day saturday and sunday...

I'm so glad to have got ground school done and dusted. I now have a much better idea about the equipment, em proc, mals, etc.

*crosses fingers and prays to the weather gods*
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