
Hello from Pennsylvania

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I've been lurking here for about a month or two using the search option. I did my first AFF yesterday after 3 tandems. Just wanted say hey to everyone.

I was pretty nervous for my jump yesterday. Everything went well except for my pull procedures. I briefly lost altitude awareness but once my instructor tapped my altimeter i looked and knew what i had to do. But i did it too fast and sloppy. I had a weak throw and my pc didn't catch the air right. I really didn't know what was going on. I knew it was a bad throw and didnt want reach back cause i knew he'd clear it. (i was afraid id have a horseshoe mal), it was about 4.5-5k and my main deployed.
Landing went well, i hit my flare just right , i could have stood it up, but i still have landing on my butt programmed in my brain for the tandems. I hope to fix a lot of those mistakes next time around.


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Don't worry Dan. Sounds like your'e doing just fine. I didn't do the AFF method but I guarantee you that I wouldn't have done as well as you did on your first AFF jump. Sounds like your really concerned about improving your performance which is good. You'll nail the deployment & landing next time. Harry

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I go to PSU Corp right outside of state college PA. They are not affiliated with penn state university. they are trying to get a club going here at my school with my help and the help of another student. They do tandems mostly. Not too many students come through here. But we're trying to change that.

Thanks Harry, i appreciate the words of encouragement.


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welcome to the forums! my first aff the instructor had to pull for me cause i freaked out at 6grand and pulled everything but the pc. went on to finish aff with no re-do's, so dont worry about that. it will work out just fine, and the sliding in on the but is a BAD habit!!! do that and not flare perfect and your in for a bruised/broken tailbone, or worse if you hit the base of your spine.

good luck and blue skies

edited to add: mine was bruised, but i couldnt sit right for about a month.
"Never grow a wishbone, where your backbone ought to be."

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Yep, Griff is my AFF instructor. I feel very comfortable with him. Hutch is my other instructor. I did my first 2 tandems with him. And yes, bill is a super nice guy. I'm actually doing my student training with his son. I know its not the greatest time of the year to start, but I like the cold anyways. :)

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Hutch is a great guy too, and you're in the best of hands with Griff. I'm glad Bill's getting some AFF going up there. It's a beautiful place for a DZ. Next time you're up there, tell Griff, Hutch and Bill that Chad and Jen Galbraith said 'hi'. We both think highly of everyone up there! Have fun and keep jumping :)

Do or do not, there is no try -Yoda

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Congrats on your first AFF jump. I also loved jumping at that dropzone and made ~100 jumps between 2001 and 2004. At that time Bill was talking about wanting to do AFF but never had a chance to start a program. I am glad they are beginning to train new jumpers. If you get a chance, tell Bill I said "Hi".

Adam (from CA)

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