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Question - lets say I do a tandem and I like it. Is it possible for me to do a second tandem and hold a sign in my hand promoting a web site? I would want to hold something in my hands while in free fall with the URL of a web site. Maybe something bigger than a piece of paper but smaller than a poster.

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Question - lets say I do a tandem and I like it. Is it possible for me to do a second tandem and hold a sign in my hand promoting a web site? I would want to hold something in my hands while in free fall with the URL of a web site. Maybe something bigger than a piece of paper but smaller than a poster.

Who's gonna read it? :P
Courage is being scared to death - but saddling up anyways... - John Wayne

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This dude won a free tandem on a radio giveaway. He wanted to take this flag that had the name of the radio station on one side, and the flag on the other. The tandem master only let him because this was his fifth jump, and he had already done one tandem with this tandem master recently. It flew like crap, that stupid flag had so much drag the TI could barely keep it stable. He said never again, not even with an experienced student.
"If it wasn't easy stupid people couldn't do it", Duane.

My momma said I could be anything I wanted when I grew up, so I became an a$$hole.

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Ok, I'm still reading the Jump book.

Here is what I want to do. I want to record my progress from my first tandem to solo and everything in between. I want to talk about the Church I belong to and the scriptures and God. I want to have the video guy record me talking about a different topic before each jump. I would try to relate how the Gospel is helping me in my life and helping me overcome fears like a fear of heights.

So, for my first tandem, I would like the video to feature me showing up, talking with the instructors, showing me train, and doing a close up or two with me talking about God and the scriptures. Then we board the plan and before we jump I will repeat a scripture or something. We jump and it's recorded. After we land I will say positive things, quote the scriptures once, and say the url website address where people can go to learn more about Jesus Christ. Video ends and I upload it to uTube.

My second tandem will feature me doing more training or whatever, and talking about Faith. Third tandem I would talk about Repentance. First static line I would talk about Forgiveness. Etc...

Would the guy who does the video recording at the local drop zone be able to shoot this?

Of course, I could chicken out and not jump. Or make one jump and not jump again. But I'm telling myself right now - I'm gong to make myself jump! There is something going on in my life that is making me feel like I must jump. So, right now I plan on jumping when spring gets here.

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Would the guy who does the video recording at the local drop zone be able to shoot this?

Why not? If you've seen any tandem videos on YouTube, most of them have a short interview before and after the jump. For something that elaborate you would want to make sure the videographer knows what you want to do beforehand. With a little luck, a cooperative camera guy may be willing to have a list of questions to ask you. Again, most videos have the standard "why are you doing this?, are you scared?, what does your family think?" stuff, with a little preparation and cooperation, anything is possible (within reason).
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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I watched a video of some girl jumping with a camera on skydiving movies. She had to open her reserve shoot. Hearing her move around in the wind, grunting, moving quickly, with me not knowing what she's doing, then opening her chute.... kind of scary, funny, hilarious, and terrifying at the same time. I tell myself - there is no way I want to do that. Then when I walk away from the computer and five minutes later I say - I want to do that!

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Then when I walk away from the computer and five minutes later I say - I want to do that!

There's a saying in skydiving...nay, a tradition in skydiving....

"Shut up and jump"


Then come back here and tell us all about it. Get video and share it with us.
Owned by Remi #?

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Then when I walk away from the computer and five minutes later I say - I want to do that!

There's a saying in skydiving...nay, a tradition in skydiving....

"Shut up and jump"

On a usenet skydiving board I was told that too. I was asking questions and they said - Shut up and jump! I thought they were being a jerk or something. I figured with the danger potentials, asking questions, lots of them, is a good thing. But the moto is Shut up and jump? Well, I do want to jump, right now! Ok, I have a book on skydiving. I need to finish that. So I will shut up for now! :)

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On a usenet skydiving board I was told that too. I was asking questions and they said - Shut up and jump! I thought they were being a jerk or something. I figured with the danger potentials, asking questions, lots of them, is a good thing. But the moto is Shut up and jump? Well, I do want to jump, right now! Ok, I have a book on skydiving. I need to finish that. So I will shut up for now! Smile

It's entirely possible that the usenet guys were being jerks. That's also kind of traditional.... ;)


I figured with the danger potentials, asking questions, lots of them, is a good thing. But the moto is Shut up and jump?

When you show up to make your first jump, you will be taught everything you need to know right there on the spot by the people jumping with you.
Owned by Remi #?

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I started jumping in June of '06. My husband gets a huge laugh out of watching me go up an escalator! I am terrified of heights! With that being said, nothing beats jumping out of a plane after a long week of "whatever"! This is my 100th.


wow.. thought I might have been one of the only ones who doesnt like heights, yet loves to skydive... what a WIERD dichodomy! huh? thanks for sharing. blue skies

If flying is piloting a plane.. then swimming is driving a boat. I know why birds sing.. I skydive.

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I started jumping in June of '06. My husband gets a huge laugh out of watching me go up an escalator! I am terrified of heights! With that being said, nothing beats jumping out of a plane after a long week of "whatever"! This is my 100th.


wow.. thought I might have been one of the only ones who doesn't like heights, yet loves to skydive... what a WEIRD dichotomy! huh? thanks for sharing. blue skies

There are many skydivers that are afraid of heights. Besides myself I know of three others for sure, and that's just from casual conversations. If you asked around you'd probably find a lot that are.
"If it wasn't easy stupid people couldn't do it", Duane.

My momma said I could be anything I wanted when I grew up, so I became an a$$hole.

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Are there any good videos that show and explain all the handles on a rig? And the main ripcord thing is on the back of the rig? Does that take time to get used to?

Video or not, there is a place where you can get some really good explanations of the rig, it's use, it's handles, and how to deploy and land a parachute. It's called a "First Jump Course"

You can find one at a DZ near you.

Now, Shut Up And Go Jump

Or not.
Owned by Remi #?

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From my experience I felt that the more time I waited around the more apprehensive I became. I did 7 jumps in IL then had to wait a month or two before taking a vacation to AZ to finish up my licensing due to winter...

That month of waiting was horrible, I went back and forth in my head with, "you don't want do do this!!!" countered by, "You really want to do this!!!". despite the mental battle, I was still hooked. I logged on tho DZ.com every day and I couldn't get enough of skydiving. However, at the same time looking back at it I feel that if I spent more time not obsessing over skydiving and maybe staying away from DZ.com and etc, I would have been much less apprehensive, about the entire thing.

This would probably work out better if it wasn't winter, but put the damn book down, get off the internet and go make a skydive! ;) It's almost as simple and easy as that =]

Blue skies

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