
Im Lurking and have some questions, tho they are probably stupid ones!

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ive been lurking around on this forum and other skydiving forums reading up about everything there is to know.. i really wanna jump but am too scared but will build up the courage some day soon (HOPEFULLY)

ive been watching a tone of skydiving videos and the noise seems unbearable, the wind rushing past you.. is skydiving really noisy? to the point it gives you a headache? im really sensitive to sound and not sure how i would handle it..

another question is do you get really cold skydiving?? if i just place my hand outta the car window going really fast it becomes quite chilly but i see people jumping out with t-shirts so yeah i have no idea!! do people jump over winter??

and the final question, is skydiving bad for your skin?! haha you might be thinking why the hell are you asking that?? wellllllll i think with all the force and wind exposure to your skin it might make it heaps wrinkly? ahhaa just a question i know it might be really stupid but i am quite curious!

at least these a bunch of new questions instead of rigs n stuff :)


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Welcome to DZ.com, I'll try and answer some questions for you.

is skydiving really noisy? to the point it gives you a headache? im really sensitive to sound and not sure how i would handle it..

It's very noisy, far more intense then it sounds on video. Freefall is very short it shouldn't bother you too much.

another question is do you get really cold skydiving??

Just dress for the occasion... at altitude it's a lot colder, but not for long because once you're out the door you warm up quickly.

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I wouldn't say the sound of freefall is more intense or louder then on the videos. If you like a comparison, strap on a skiing/snowboarding helmet and put your head out of the window on the freeway doing about 90mph. If you have sesitive hearing, you can always use earplugs.

It's not exactly very warm at 13.000 even in summertime but you don't notice it because you're falling thrue it so fast. I recently jumped a Bell UH 12 with no doors, it was 30 °C on the ground but it felt like 0°C at 10.000. People do jump in wintertime.

Skydiving isn't bad for your skin. Skin is flexible, that's why it flaps in heavy winds. Oh yeah, it doesn't hurt also.

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Skydiving is noisy at the initial "sticking your head out of the door" moment, after that I never even notice the noise until my canopy is over my head. I have super sensitive hearing (one of my finer senses I'd say ;) and it hasn't bothered me at all.

As for the cold question, you'll be wearing a jump suit for your training and it is colder at altitude but once again, the minute you leave that plane door you shouldn't notice it at all. I live in San Diego so ;) we jump in the winter lol.

So funny about the skin question, i was showing my still photos of a recent jump to some whuffo friends and they asked the same question...I don't know the answer, I am only 11 jumps in and my skin is no different!

Good luck working on the courage, do a ton of research, buy the SIM, hang out at your local dropzone and ask stupid questions!!!! Fear generally stems from ignorance so knowledge is power!

Blue skies

"A man only gets in life what he is believing for, nothing more and nothing less" Kenneth Hagen

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Wear a full-faced helmet and earplugs...you won't hear a thing.
Wear a properly fitted jump-suit and gloves...the air won't touch you.
I personally know that the most beatiful people in the universe are skydivergirls! Welcome:)

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You sound pretty fragile. Skydiving may not be for you.......:D

So just send us your money, MUWAHAHAHA:D

I KID I KID.... but no really.
You know what's similar between Cops and Firefighters? They both wanna be firefighters.

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Welcome to the forums! :)
About the noise- quite honestly, I never notice it. I also jump with a full-face helmet, so maybe that's why. :P I think you'll be so into your jumps that it won't be an issue for you, you'll be thinking of other things.

Does it get cold? Yea, but only in the winter and then you can just layer on more clothes. Most of the time I'm hot, but then again, I live in FL. ;)

Is it bad for your skin? I'm usually told that I don't look my age, so I don't think it's affected mine. I think the sun probably does more damage than the wind.

Just jump already!

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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