
Do I need to Tandem to Tango?

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Hey I have my first Sky dive planned for April I wanted to get it scheduled as soon as possible I have wanted to go skydiving since I was a kid and now I am able and stable enough to go for it now Ive done cliff jumping of 200 ft + and I have a facination with flying and know I am gona love skydiving now does my first jump have to be tandem or can I take the class and start my aff training asap I would ask the DZ that im going to but they arent even open yet any help on this is appreciated:)

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Hi! You can go straight into static line or AFF if you wish - that's what I did and I loved it. Doing a tandem first also has its merits though - you can experience freefall and even fly the canopy a bit to get a feel of how it's done without having to worry about pulling yet. In the end it's up to you. If I had to go back and choose again, I would make the same choice and go straight to AFF.

Good luck and enjoy! ;)


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Welcome to the forums! :)This link gives a lot of useful information for newbies. You can also go straight to USPA.org to get information straight from the horse's mouth. Which dz are you going to train at? I'm sure there is someone on here who will know whether you need to do a tandem there or not.

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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