
Scared more than F#@#!

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Hi, I'm a jumper at Skydive Chicago and have done 4 jumps thus far (2 tandem, 2 AFP jumps) and am scared "poopless" of my 3rd AFP jump. I am thinking of going this sunday and since I'm in MI right now I know that I would jump if making that much of a time commitment to drive to the DZ. My last jump was on 5/28/2007 and I pounded in pretty hard. My jump before that I landed 1/4 to 1/2 mile away from the DZ in a dry corn field (the kind of stuff that could impale you if you landed in it wrong). I might have a fear of landing or it might be a fear of being released in freefall (this will be my first release skydive if ready). I really am a scared skydiver right now, but I know that I DO want to do this for the rest of my life.

Thanks for reading and any advice would be beneficial at this point,

Edited to add my 3rd and 4th jump: http://www.skydivingmovies.com/ver2/pafiledb.php?action=file&id=6088&string=afp

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Welcome to the forums! :)
Go to the dz tomorrow. Hang around for awhile and watch people land, how they set up, and watch what the wind is doing. Also talk about your fears to your instructor and they should help ease your fears. Don't be shy about telling them either, you are paying for them to help you.

Good luck and let us know what happens!

She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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watching movies of aff level 3 helped me. I always watch as many jumps as I can on skydiving movies and youtube before I go and I see other doofuses doing it and passing and it makes me think "I can do that". it helps me visualize the dive flow and takes a lot of the fear of the unknown away. try watching 10 or 15 aff level 3 movies and see if that helps.

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I like the fear.......
I use the plane ride up to stuff it in a little box inside me so i can open it days later and relive it.

you might try asking about the spot and landing patterns at your dz and do a dirt dive of your landing pattern with someone. accounting for the winds and stuff. and what to expect

this will improve your ability to get back to the landing area alot.

practice your flares up high on your way to the landing pattern, then you will have freashly trained reflexes for landing.

good luck
Luck, wisdom, and clean air.

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I totally understand your fears and I guess most jumpers do. I got my A license a couple of months ago, took some 37 jumps to get it (static line course over here in Sweden) and I can only describe the whole deal as a complete rollercoaster ride between being scared for my life and feeling ok.

My background is in psychology and I work as a family counselor and as such (much more than the fresh skydiver I am) I find fear an interesting subject.

Unfortunately it seems that in this sport people just go: "Are you scared? Well we all were in the beginning, just stick with it and it'll pass" which is a pretty accurate statement but it doesn't really help you out that much when you're going up on a load and your knees are shaking or when the door opens up next to you at 10 000ft.

In my world being scared is a very legitimate feeling, after all you're jumping out of an airplane, right! Learning ways to keep your fear under control is a very important thing and I feel should be an important part of all training to be a skydiver. It wasn't in my training though.

Acknowledge the fact that you are scared, and really scared. As stated talk to your coach/jumpmaster (or whatever you call it over where you are jumping). Talk about what it is that scare you, if other people have any good ideas on coping with it. The key point is that we have to talk about it, we cannot just ignore it, numb it or think of it as just a phase in the skydive training as fear is a real and important reason why people stop skydiving.

I listened to an interview with Brian Germain and he talked about taking a break, slowing down, finding harmony and I believe that is important too.

Then there are a bunch of relaxation techniques out there that can be used to reduce stress/anxiety/heart rate (because we must not forget that the biofeedback in our body will trigger the body to release a bunch of what most people know as adrenaline when the heart rate goes about 100 or so). We need the boost when we skydive, keeping alert but the problem is if we feel it way before doing the jump. It's not suppose to be a long term thing.

Take a deep breath, count to 20 and back down to 1 and talk to the people around you that you think your fear is a real problem.
Blue skies!

Anders Samuelsson

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RELAXXXXX!!! I am very new to this too and i was pretty nervous when i stepped onto that plane the first time but when it came time to jump i relaxed and focused and was able to nail my jump....My level 3 was two weeks ago and thats when i get let go for my first time...and really there is nothing to worry about i felt more stable by myself than i did with my instructors hanging onto me...Just RELAX and remember your good body position arch and really just have a blast you will nail it!!! OH and PULL!!!:)

What would you attempt to do if you knew you would not fail...

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I know every skydiver knows exactly what you are feeling, I froze in the door on my first AFF jump and was scared less and less each jump. I live in Mich, so i know weather is a big thing, but if you can keep the jumps on the same day or very close together, it helps. Keep going and blue skies:), ( Hey you gotta die of something) hahaha.
So i just broke up with this woman who wasn't even my girlfriend!

Hellfish #782, POPS #10664

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I just did AFF and I get scared more than poop as well. I hate the plane ride up and landing, more the plane ride. As for AFF I found it way easier when the instructors do let go, it just makes everything more fluid and easier to do. Once out of the plane I'm not too bad as there's no going back at that point so I make as much out of it as I can, also I think it's easier when you pass AFF and go solo as there's no one scrutinizing your every move. I still get scared just as much though and so far I cant see it passing anytime soon.

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I found AFF the most amazing experience.. I was scared out of my skin as most people are but the thing that helped me most was breathing...I dont know how it works everywhere else or what kind of plane you jump from but Im sure this works wherever. After I climbed out onto the strut I would take a deep breath that completely calmed me before I took the plunge, do the same in freefall. before youdo anything take a couple of deep breaths and get your bearings, it makes the jump so much more fun! as for your landings do what everyone here is saying: talk to your instructors, and watch the way other people do it. You'll be fine and think how stoked you will feel once its done!

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Hi Sean,

I can relate to the fear of the landing. I love the freefall but have been scared and worried about flying the canapy, but mostly the landing. I really don't want to break any ankles since most of my fun involves using my legs. I am still scared since I have not done my level 3 yet. But I have friends who have all talked to me about how to land and fly the canapy ect. Yes I am still worried and scared but having them talk to me about what to do and telling me that I will do fine just remember certain points help. So I suggest get information on what to do for landing and go over and over it in your head, visualize. And like they said, you don't have to jump.


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