
Not New to the life...

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.. Just new to the computer thing.. I know .. I know... daughter tells me all the time I'm hard headed.

May not check this often.. but who knows..

Widower... just working my way back into the world.. life is precious, that I am sure.. life is good.., so I'm told.. my daugher says it is and now she wants me thinking about getting back into the "routine".

Ok.. OK... all of the above (although true) was me typing my daughers words... She says she's concerned! Go Figure!

For myself....I believe Sympathy can be found somewhere between "Shit" and "Syphilis" in the dictionary and "sympathy" most times .... means little!

Just wanting to say hello!


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Hello Pilotflier and welcome to DZ.Com!


Just new to the computer thing.. I know .. I know... daughter tells me all the time I'm hard headed

A year ago I just bought my first computer (I avoided it as long as I could, now I don't know why I waited so long), so it takes a little while to get your training wheels off! Before you know it, you'll be "googlin' the internets" just like George W. Bush!:D


For myself....I believe Sympathy can be found somewhere between "Shit" and "Syphilis" in the dictionary and "sympathy" most times .... means little!

O.K., that was one of the most profound statements I've heard in a long time! And I hope you don't mind me saying, one of the funniest...though I know the learning of it's truth wasn't. I've never heard it before - is it original? Very astute.

I agree with Skymamma, sounds like you have a great daughter...give her a hug and tell her you love her - she's lookin' out for you!

Come around often - like the sky, we're always here (well, almost always!):)
"...I've learned that while the "needs" in life are important (food, water, shelter), it's the "wants" in life (ice cream, chocolate, sex) that make it worth the effort." Kbordson

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