
Student Jumpsuit Question

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So I figured I would post how my day went. First 2 solo's i went jumpsuit, last one i went shorts and tee.

- i ...ended up on my back for a couple seconds, which has never happened to me before.
- took me a couple seconds to get back belly-down and get stable.
- it was MUCH harder to get and stay stable for me
- and at about 7,000ft I realized it was because i wasn't wearing a jumpsuit.

*and then at 6,000 i thought "now i know what the hell everyone was talking about"

Unfortunately, sometimes people just have to learn the hard way. Glad you made it OK.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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There were a couple of students at my DZ that got off the coached jumps (Lvls 7-14) and asked our Head AFFI if they had to wear a jumpsuit. He responded by saying, "No, you don't have to wear one, but it's an important tool and why would you not want to take advantage of every tool at your disposal when you're learning to skydive?"

I think he put it best. I haven't even gotten off AFF and I have a JS (used).

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I made my first static line jump this last weekend (first skydive ever) and my friend and I didn't wear a jumpsuit.

See, I don't understand this. Did the DZ not offer a jumpsuit - even basic Sears coveralls - to jump with? Were they offered and you declined?

Personally, I think every DZ should have at least coveralls available for students, and should require anyone who is not yet "off student status" to wear some kind of jumpsuit.

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Unfortunately, sometimes people just have to learn the hard way. Glad you made it OK.

Shame some people will not just listen to the advice they were given.:S
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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See, I don't understand this. Did the DZ not offer a jumpsuit - even basic Sears coveralls - to jump with? Were they offered and you declined?

Personally, I think every DZ should have at least coveralls available for students, and should require anyone who is not yet "off student status" to wear some kind of jumpsuit.

We weren't offered one. They said we were too tall to fit. I'm 6'3". I can't imagine this being too tall to fit in one, so I'll definitely try to get one next time. My friend is 6'5+ with a very tall torso, so not too sure about him. What's weird is he was mentioning jump suits and a third student in the plane with us was shorter and still didn't have one on.

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I did several jumps that day with a jumpsuit on and had absolutely no stability issues whatsoever. I talked to my instructors and asked what they thought about me doing a jump without a jumpsuit so that I could see the difference (and it was 90 degrees). They said it will be harder but that I should feel free to try it if I wanted. So I tried it, and although it was harder, I was fine.

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I did my first few static line jumps this weekend, and also did not wear a jumpsuit (not offered). On my first landing, the wind picked up, and I wasn't able to drop the canopy fast enough to not be dragged through some cactus. I was glad that I was able to change pants and sweatshirts before going up again, but it would have been nice to just change jumpsuits. I want one before I go back for my next round of S/L jumps.

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I read your other post regarding gloves, and this one regarding a jumpsuit, and I have to mention that these are standard items a DZ should supply to their students along with helmets and goggles.

Don't know where you jump, but just an FYI for you to keep in mind, or maybe to prompt you to visit another DZ and see if maybe they have better facilities.

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I did my first few static line jumps this weekend, and also did not wear a jumpsuit (not offered). On my first landing, the wind picked up, and I wasn't able to drop the canopy fast enough to not be dragged through some cactus. I was glad that I was able to change pants and sweatshirts before going up again, but it would have been nice to just change jumpsuits. I want one before I go back for my next round of S/L jumps.

For SL, you might just want to buy some coveralls (like, from a farmer store). Make sure they don't fit too loose (a bit floppy is fine), and are not orange or red in color (ie are contrasting with your cutaway pillow).

ciel bleu,

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For SL, you might just want to buy some coveralls (like, from a farmer store). Make sure they don't fit too loose (a bit floppy is fine), and are not orange or red in color (ie are contrasting with your cutaway pillow).

Yeah, not to mention that if he's in an orange jumpsuit and has an out landing, the first cop who spots him will think he's escaped from jail. :D

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For SL, you might just want to buy some coveralls (like, from a farmer store). Make sure they don't fit too loose (a bit floppy is fine), and are not orange or red in color (ie are contrasting with your cutaway pillow).

Yeah, not to mention that if he's in an orange jumpsuit and has an out landing, the first cop who spots him will think he's escaped from jail. :D

The DZ I'm going to has prisons EVERYWHERE around town, including right next to the drop zone. This is a very possible scenario, lol.
I heard a story of a student landing in one of the prisons. The guards knew what was going on, but scared him for fun anyway with guns pointed, making him jump around in circles, etc.

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