
Aff level 3 ?'s help me relax!

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My girlfriend and I Started the aff class in Lodi. All the staf are great tehy do thier darndest to make you comfortable. I did 3 jumps yesterday and can't seem to get my legs out. My arch is fine, arms fine, awarness fine. I jusy cant get comfortable w it all at once. Can I get some advice onnhow to relax I am stiff as a board. I dont want to give up.however I was not performing to the standards I hold myself upto..(dont have to retake a level yet but if I dont get better I may. Ohh by the way she did better than I did). "and I was worried about her"

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I can tell you relax but noone can make you do it. The key is to practice it in your head all the way up until you jump then when your in the door ready to jump don't think about anything, take a deep breath, and do what you know to do just don't think too much while your jumping. Oh and breathing and toe taps help me out tons. If you start tensing up take a deep breath, exhale, and do a toe tap.

....and don't worry about your girlfriend being better, girls naturally have a better arch.

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hey i just finished my aff last week. i found that drinking water really helped me relax. one of the other students suggested it to me...and deep breathing. by the level 4 i was really relaxed and having a great time during freefall

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I agree with what was said above, i was having the same problem and i found that a deep breath and a toe tap really helped me out alot!

Good luck with the rest of your training! :)

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I always spend time, before going to the DZ, doing relaxation exercises and visualization. I imagine every piece of the jump and practice deep breathing with every piece. It really helps. I do it on the ride to altitude, then once I am out the door, I remind myself to breathe. It all comes together nicely, almost without much effort.

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here is the trick...........

It's fun...........
Just work on the (i think you said leg's) you have the other stuff there.....
keep it simple and remember always...........
you're having fun.....:)

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ask the jumper getting out after you to look down as
you get out and you have to look up with some
eye contact then smile with up 2 thumbs up
Look around for other ppl in freefall to see what they are doing. Look up again and watch other ppl getting out. Glance at your alti in between this stuff
to see how much altitude you lose, then to realize that you have another 30 or 40 seconds to have some more fun. Try it, it keeps your mind busy with
important things that will make you a safe skydiver.

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if you have the chance...read page 36 in the Skydivers Information Manual 2005(SIM). its called... Mental Relaxation: the key to body flight. It helped me out soo much. you can buy a copy for around 20or25bucks or download it for FREE! Have fun and Blue Skies!

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S-M-I-L-E all the way!!!!B|:):P:D:ph34r:
and don't forget alti awarness.

i'm not kidding - smile to the sky and to your instructors.

i did AFF4 4 times. nothing will happen if you'll do any level again. believe me like i believe my inst., 'you won't remember it in 20 jumps from now'...

good luck, smile and be safe!

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On the plane ride up...close your eyes and imagine you leaving the plane, goin thru the skydive...breathe while you are thinking...realize that skydiving is FUN!!! Also rite before you exit the plane take a deep breathe and Smile the whole way...Good luck!!!
Blue skies:ph34r:

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My girlfriend and I Started the aff class in Lodi. ...... Ohh by the way she did better than I did). "and I was worried about her"

:)).... my reserve side instructor mentioned to me that women do well in skydiving. He said that there is grace and finesse about skydiving. Of course it is hard to believe it at that moment, but then I think about Cloud Dancers like Tamara Koyn. She looks so relaxed and at ease doing ballet in the air!! :o

Don't fear the reaper. ... BOC

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I had to repeat level 3 twice because I would get stiff and lose my arch. I went to Perris (near riverside ca) and worked on my arch in the windtunnel and learned that if I push my chin up, breathe, click my heels to find my feet, then push my legs back a bit, I have good body position. So, between the tasks I have to complete (COA, turns, ect) I run through the arch position, chin,relax,feet,extend legs a bit. Works for me, good luck to you

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... I dont want to give up.however I was not performing to the standards I hold myself upto.....

Let go of the performance standards. You seem to be putting additional stress on yourself instead of having fun....the breathing and practicing mentioned above is good...sometime during the skydive just stop, take a deep breath and consciously relax and then continue with the dive flow. Practice it on the ground.
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... sometime during the skydive just stop, take a deep breath and consciously relax and then continue with the dive flow. Practice it on the ground.

How funny. That's what I did during my level 4. Was a bit overwhelmed by the turns, so I just took a moment to relax. Seeing that the whole relax, breath, smile thing works was even more impressive to me than passing the level!

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what I would have gave to learn to jump there, ha I'll still make it there soon.

But Smile, no not smile with your butt. work on some breathing techniques. If that don't work think of your chick nekid, It works for me. No not thinking of your chick, have you ever seen , ohh never mind.


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