
Thank you John! (slotperfect)

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Heya all,

Somewhat bittersweet for me to let you know that John (slotperfect) has decided to step down as moderator after 10 years. John recently accepted a new role as General Manager at Alti-2, Inc. in DeLand, FL. and to avoid a conflict of interests, that's where his focus will be in the future.

John became a mod on May 29, 2004 and for the following decade has been a stabilizing force in the forums. John loves this group and approached his role with sincerity, a quiet confidence and great judgment which begs respect and admiration. He'll be missed in this role but I'm looking forward to seeing him around here representing Alti-2 in the future.

John has also become a good friend over the years with whom I've had some lengthy and thought-provoking conversations about this community. I'm hoping for many more coffee runs to Starbucks or wherever in the future to continue to those.

Thanks buddy, you did good. You made an impact here and for that I will be forever grateful. Best of luck and enjoy the "retirement". B|

PS - In the interim John's workload here will be shared by the current moderator group so feel free to reach out tho them as usual.
Safe swoops

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John has been an excellent moderator. I don't really think that there would be a conflict of interest with him working for a manufacturer, but, hey, his decision shows the level of his integrity. Thank you John.

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Does that mean we can start talking about him in the Team Room now? >:(

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because she will lay some keepdown on you faster than, well, really fast. ~Billvon

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Does that mean we can start talking about him in the Team Room now? >:(

Well, that didn't take long :P

Thanks for the 10 years man, that's a hell of an accomplishment (especially with this group!)
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Thank you, sangiro my friend, and thanks to all of you.

I considered it a privilege to be brought into the Moderator fold ten years ago (wow - time flies), and have tried to honor the position as such. The pay has been awesome :P

At this stage in life I am making a great deal of changes, and how I fit into this community is one of them. I will continue to post personal content from this username, but you will most likely see me posting as Alti2_Staff (duplicate created with permission). I hope to make a contribution to the sport and to these forums from my new position in the skydiving manufacturing industry.

I hope y'all will stop by the office and visit if you are ever in DeLand.

Cheers. . .

Arrive Safely


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