
Skydiving Photo Galleries Upgraded

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Heya all,

The old Dropzone.com Skydiving Photos section has outlived it's usefulness. It was old code and the application dealt poorly with large numbers of images causing our galleries to slow down and basically grind to a halt over the last few months. Good news is we've upgraded the photos application and here are a few expectations and pointers.

Expect that it will be different.
This is not just and upgrade of the old code and old functionality - we've effectively replaced the entire application and migrated all the existing images to the new platform. Expect that it will look, feel and function different from before. You may take a while to get use but it's easy to use and you'll pick it up in no time.

Your "directories" are now called your "Albums"
Click on the "My Photos" link in the left or top navigation bar and you'll see all your old directories presented as Albums with your photos sorted to the appropriate album as you had it. Create as many albums as you want (do it before you start uploading or you'll have to go back!) and flag your photos into albums as you see fit when you upload them, or afterwards when you view them. You can of course also create albums of any images uploaded by other users as well and use the functionality as a bookmarking system.

"Personal Galleries" are no more...
There isn't a category called Personal Galleries anymore. Simply upload your images to the most appropriate category for each image (i.e. freeflying, swooping etc) and add them to Albums of your choice to organize them together.

No Premier Bulk Uploads
Bulk uploading, for those very few Premier Members who used it, has been disabled for now. We're trying to improve the quality of images that get posted and dumping directories full of images with no proper titles, descriptions or any other information just doesn't work towards that. We may revisit this in the future.

There are other new features and toys to try out like:
  • Tag your photos with keywords to make it easy to find them (and similar photos) in the future.

  • Rate photos by hovering your mouse over the 5 stars under each photo.

  • Comment on and discuss photos.
If you need a little quick help while uploading, hover your mouse over any relevant [inline "info.gif "] icon on the upload page and we'll pop up a little hint

When uploading a photo, look out for the "DZ Linking" option. This allows you to browse through the DZ database and pick the DZ where your photo was taken. In the near future we'll start displaying photos linked to DZs on the detailed page of that DZ in our database.

Have fun!

View and Upload Skydiving Photos
Safe swoops

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