
heli boogie '07

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Thank you to BASEklubb for organizing the '07 boogie.
Was really best than ever. 5 days with perfect weather and no rain :)
till next year
Robert Pecnik
[email protected]

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hell yeah...B|
thanks to all the people from the stavanger BASE clubb and the norwegian weather god...
we jumped our asses off...

and robi...watch your 6...the empire will rise again
greetings from the luftwaffe :P

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and robi...watch your 6...the empire will rise again
greetings from the luftwaffe :P


And only 5 jumps a day with Heli transport, Robi? You taking it easy?


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yeah buddy, and don´t forget that the Germans fight on every frontier at the same time!:)
One jump less can also be one more...B|

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And only 5 jumps a day with Heli transport, Robi? You taking it easy?

was hiking too, but all the jumps were made from alse exit and not #6.
German luftwaffe was seriously demaged despite the loos of two croatian wingman though... next battle is scheduled for August B|
Robert Pecnik
[email protected]

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Damn right heliboogie was awesome, great weather great people. Will put some piccies up soonish.

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I fell in love with the waterfall.
The manager sold those waterfall-punchcards ;)
The SBK was a phenomenal host.
Thank you!

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very nice time there................. and I have now completed the 4 letters.

jumping from the waterfall or #7 was awesome ;)

some picture are at this adress www.filmjam.org

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and some more pictures (people, party, exits and the last is from a bar in Stavanger...)

Heliboogie pics

I will buy a V2 this year and then I can play also with the birds next year!
Michi (#1068)

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o yeah

wel i am buyiing v10 and i wil b e femous even wiht oulde fashion helmut

(and its red not penk):|

my place i work

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nice pics....

but ....no michii...no v2...
then you realy scare the shit out of me :P
where you make the last picture with the blonde chick?

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:)ok, ok, but I will ask Jürgen to pimp my prodigy as well...

The last picture is from a bar in Stavanger (on a tuesday night at 02:00 am!!!) with the fussball game table and a biliard table down at the harbor.
This blonde chick and two nice latinas where dancing on the bar al the time. Live can be beautiful.
Michi (#1068)

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Hi all.
On behalf of Stavanger B.A.S.E klubb, I will thank everybody who came to the heliboogie 07. Here is some numbers for you. We made about 1000 jumps in 4 days. No serious injuries, but we had a couple of close calls. The worst was the cliff strike in free fall :o, but he made it without any serious injury :). I think the worst injury we had was 4 stiches in the forehead after hitting a rock during landing :S. The weather was the best ever, and the party saturday was also the best ever :)Stay safe
Regards SBK
Stein :)

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cliff strike in free fall

Wow. More information please?
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Nice pics Michi, I bet you did't miss us!!!!
***Keep it fun, stay alive***
Safe swoops
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Yeah me to am interested to know how someone can survive a freefall cliff strike?!?!

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Nice pics Michi, I bet you did't miss us!!!!

Sure I missed my mexican friends!
http://www.mexbase.com forever!!!!
But it was a lot of fun this year. Unfortunatly the weather was perfect every day and I got up and said to myself, look at the weather, lets do as may jumps as possible, it is not possible that we get so nice weather the next day! And now I am having sleeples nights because I'm afraid of my next credit card bill :(
Encloesed a picture of Mexbase from last year!
And regarding the freefall cliff strike, I don't want to say any names but just this, he "spashed" into the waterfall and made it out again!!!
Michi (#1068)

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there is also a video of it......... splash you should put it online

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And regarding the freefall cliff strike, I don't want to say any names but just this, he "spashed" into the waterfall and made it out again!!!

Shit must not of been wet cuz of the waterfall! Hope he had extra pants :D

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there is also a video of it......... splash you should put it online

is that a newly acquired nickname after the encounter with the waterfall or are we talking about the tall (Californian?) bigway and BASE jumper with the same name?
Skydiving Fatalities - Cease not to learn 'til thou cease to live

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Mensch Moritz, klasse Sache das....ich mag ja gleich wieder dahin :)

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Don't go chasing waterfalls, eh. Video is over 120kb. Dont want to cut it. What else?

ps I did break a nail.

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Could you UL it on skydivingmovies?
sounds interesting

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