
Freefall 200'

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How many people have done this? i am looking for some input on whether or not this is a unsafe decision.

It is my local A, and i have done countless jumps from the 300' level, and have been doing static line, PCA, and d-bag jumps from the platform at 200'. Is this altitude too low to jump (freefall) with a 46/48 inch pilot chute? either vented or unvented canopy.

i began getting curious after doing freefall jumps from a 240 ft b, with enough altitude to do a nice slow turn and land after the canopy had pressurized.

and another thing, the object protrudes about 6-10 feet at the base. the platform i want to exit is 150/160 feet higher than the part of the structure that sticks out.

so, if the landing area is not a question, any direction is a good direction to land at this site, would you freefall from this altitude?

Dont die!

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Dude, stay alive until you move up here, mmmkay?

Aside from that, you'll want to consider changing your go-and-throw from a dart-arrow pitch to an upward pitch. Done well, it is possible to have bridle stretch and pilot chute inflation before it even gets below your exit point.

Get spectra (or other slippery shit) loops, and get your pin-tension right. Don't use velcro.

Accept that you'll experience a pilot chute hesitation one in every N jumps, for some variable N.

But that's all hearsay, I don't free-fall below 250, no exceptions. I don't disapprove of it, it's just not my thing.

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Hey Eric, send me your phone number, I got a new phone. Greeny would be the one to ask on this one, I'm sure he'll chime in. Tha 'B' you speak of are my lowest freefalls so far and all went well, no US405 landings. ;) I've seen a lot of freefalls in the 160-190' range by Greeny and he has them down. But shit does happen every once and a while. Be safe!!
"Can't plan fantastic!!!!!"

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I'd be more worried about the fence than the slightly underhung nature of it...it presents the larger obstacle.

I'll be home in a week...lets do it. I'll have a vented Rockdragon, a 46" Toxic PC, and either my velcro rig or pin rig...

Velcro is not black death off low objects when configured properly. You just have to prime it and use blanking strips. Similiar to using spectra or Cypres line loops and priming your pins.
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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A little something for you low freefall guys...


Freefalls from under 250’ over hard earth: They work most of the time but remember p/c’s sometimes hesitate, canopies sometimes take a little longer to open and pressurise than usual, downdrafts sometimes exist, and offheadings sometimes occur. If you regularly freefall under 250’ two of the above things will eventually occur together and an injury will most likely result. If three or more of the above things occur together then you may die.
It is up to each individual to decide how many times they want to roll the dice and see if they can getaway with it, but it is only a matter of time.



Dwain Weston

President, Australian B.A.S.E. Association.1997-2001

...just a reminder ;)
You can get a lot more done with a kind word and a gun than with a kind word alone.

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So true. Do it long enough and it'll kill you.

However, I haven't found a more powerful feeling than the one when your canopy is out of the container slowly moving to linestretch and you're staring at the point you're going to impact thinking to yourself "well fuck me"
A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world.

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Quit being a pussy Gunderschplatz - go jump it and report back.

Make it look good too. Ya fucking stallion.

- Harvey
- Harvey, BASE 1232

BLiNC Magazine Team Member

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so, if the landing area is not a question, any direction is a good direction to land at this site, would you freefall from this altitude?

sure would:)

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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So true. Do it long enough and it'll kill you.

so will slider up jumps,actualy BASEjumps in genneral... whats the point:S

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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Cause it's fun as hell. That's why I do them.

The point was that there are so many random factors in low freefalls that can kill you. The risk cannot be managed nearly as easily as other jumps and the inherent nature of low freefalls exposes the jumper to significantly higher risk.

We're on the same side...
A waddling elephant seal is the cutest thing in the entire world.

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all aspects of BASE has their places for real danger. I would say headding preformance on slider up jumps are one of the big issues,ofcourse only as a concern if your close to anything you can fly into:P then you add this extra thing called a slider.. its a extra point than the "keep it simple stupied" more things you can fuck up more things more likely will fuck up:P

by the end of the day we all know that freefalling low stuff is in the real dangerarea.. i just had to write some sh!t as im borred;):ph34r:

Stay safe
Stefan Faber

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hey i jump with a guy who i shall not mention, but he and many others have made a sub 180' freefall many times. more recently he has mentioned doing gainers n' such from this object and he's serious. although i have my restrictions, and the site is practically in my back yard (inside 10 miles around here), to see him actually do it would be real cool. i don't want to see him hurt, but if he got hurt that way, it would still be cool. we all know we have risks, and we all know accidents happen. so what, if someone wants to increase the factors a bit. this is BASE so go for it.
Balls deep!
Calmer than you are.

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I like your gung ho attitude Skysquatch. I just wish we jump with a little more impunity though. Thank God the gear, techniques, and armor have revoluntionized our safety. Either yourself or one of the base brethren or sisteren, I hate the accompanying limp and crutches that go with the lifestyle. You live by the sword - you die by the sword.
Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174

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alright mission accomplished. and i made it look good.

for those technical guys. we jumped two different canopies.

i jumped with a perigee pro with a fox 265 with no vents with a vented 46" asylum pilot chute

and the other jumper jumped with a perigee pro with a blackjack vented with a toxic 46" pilot chute.

i landed about 40 feet away from the object with enough time to pop my toggles and do a nice flare and stand up land. the other jumper landed about 20-30 feet beyond me.

both exits were done exiting and tossing the pc in an upward direction, not the dart toss that i usually do, both jumps taken with practically no delay.


Dont die!

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Fuckin stud. Good on ya.
- Harvey, BASE 1232

BLiNC Magazine Team Member

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