
FIRST Base jump

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Since everyone else is sharing I thought that I would also share my first experience.

Recently online I found this web page with a lot of cool skydiving clips and what really interested were the BASE jumping ones. I realized whilst watching that BASE could serve as a means to express my angst against the world, my personal identity marker, my desire to stand apart from the rest of the sheep and also serve as a means for me to get some pussy (more on that later).

So with all that in mind and a recent business trip to Norway, I decided to give it a try. I looked for and found some gear on ebay that appeared to be ideal for my venture and bought it. The seller said it was all 'tits', and when it arrived by post I could tell he was not lying. It was a cooler and liter version of the containers that I at a drop zone when I did my one and only tandem in the 90's, and since the parachute was already in it I did not have pack it in there. In fact I did not even have to learn how to pack...that was great.

You know you base jumpers make it way too hard on yourselves. Anyways.

So, one morning, when I thought it was time, I got my gear and started walking up this fjord looking thing that was right by my hotel. It looked really similar to the ones I saw online when other base jumpers jumped them but, I could not tell if they were the same ones. What the hell I thought, all fjords are the same.

I got to the highest point at around noon, right when the winds started to pick up, blowing towards the place where I was jumping from, which I thought was nice. After-all wind equals lift, and if I jump into it maybe I could hover or something. Actually the winds were kind of gusty, blowing from side to side...but what the hell.

I put on my gear, and after a short count I jumped. I ended up on my back and for some reason started heading towards the mountain that I jumped from. I quickly rolled over and managed to turn to face away from it. After a few seconds I decided to pull the handle thing to release the chute (I later found out it was called a vx39), but, to my dismay, there was a problem. The little pilot chute thing line wrapped around my hand and failed to open the container. I was in trouble.

Luckily I had a secret weapon up my sleeve, or rather on me. As you see i also managed to buy one of those wing-suit deals online as well. The name was kind of freaky (vampire something) but it looked the bomb and really showed off my abs and testicular package. So what I decided to do was land that. Hell it had wings...why not. I started heading towards land but decided to actually land on water as I really did not want to dirty up and rip up my suit on some Norwegian rocks. They should put wheels on these things or something.

Anyways the landing happened a little faster than expected, but I came out unharmed. In fact with a little practice I could probably land it much slower. I think I just flared it too high or something. but hey for a first base jump it went rather well.

In fact I am not only looking forward to mentoring other people how to base jump, 10 more jumps for me ought to make me proficient enough, but also to giving advice to everyone who cares to ask or not on dropzone.com. In fact this is now my greatest ambition...I want to create a kabillion genuine posts on this server.

I am knee deep in pussy right now as a base jumper, but feel thats not enough. Hell whats the point of all this fucking if you give nothing back to the community that taught me so much. So in the next couple of months look forward to reading such brilliant and insightful posts as whats your favorite beer (bud for me), whats your favorite two letters in the alphabet (o and q), why american food tastes so much different from european food (rashers are called bacon wtf) and my personal favorite my review of pictures and videos on the internet that my colleagues at work sent me through my company email whilst I should have been working.

Anyways Hve a nice day

sincerely me

ps pretty sick for a first jump eh?;)
It is always the idiots that yell the loudest

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Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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Are you encouraging him?
Breathe out so I can breathe you in...

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Chivalry is not dead; it only sleeps for want of work to do. - Jerome K Jerome

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nice effort to make an acount and write all this stuff
someone is bored out there

stay safe:)

"jump, have fun, pull"

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You are an absolute threat and danger to all potential / new BASE jumpers.

Your advise and example is very poor.

I mean, come on!!!

Anyone who suggests Bud has obviously got no idea!!!!!.

(p.s. I take this back if the bud was brewed in the Czech Rep).
Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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Ive been wanting to go base jumping since its the cool thing now. Thanks for the advice, Im on my way to some big buildings downtown to try it out. Sounds cool! I cant wait till I get there, Im going to do it during daylight hours since I cant see too well after dark.

Im going to use a rig I made my self! Wish me luck all you cool base jumpers!

3-2-1 c-ya AAaarrghhh....

"Don't keep your pilot chute a secret"

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where is the video on youTube?

if there is no video, it did NOT happen!:P

The lies in learning how to throw yourself at the ground and miss.
sloppy habits -> sloppy jumps -> injury or worse

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Why did you make yourself some gear? Take some old worn tandem passagier rig and take your chute over your shoulder, thats cheap and airworty!!!

take more care of you!

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now that you showed how easy it is, i might aswell pick my skydiving gear and head to the local guyed antenna... oh wait, I still need the vampire thingy for emergency situations.

thank you for giving me such a laugh. it's very entertaining. keep going!

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