
wwe smakduwn chaleng

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i make jump today, i am hapy now and ready for tihs.

pre fite speach:

misteeeerr jummyyyyyyyyy on holidayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

i call chanleg for yuo to make beter movie film abuot jumping base than me. 980 run away but sellfoneman is to be helping me in the ring. my freinds i jump with is maybe do funny things but so is your friends.
i got steel balls so meet me in the ring if you are a big man and we wil see who will be disko king.

deep in my heart i know i wil be disko king one day, it isa my destinationy.
my place i work

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deep in my heart i know i wil be disko king one day, it isa my destinationy.

May you reach your destinationy! ===>Learn To Disco
My grammar sometimes resembles that of magnetic refrigerator poetry... Ghetto

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The bums will never win Lebowski, the bums will never win!
Enfin j'ai trouvé:

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