
BASE in Belize

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Hey is there any BASE in Belize?
BASE 952

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If you succeed in emptying the blue hole diving spot, yes there is ;)


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I almost said the same thing when I read this. Sadly that's all I know about Belize.
I've got this really hardcore group of gaurdian angels that need a free paid vacation.
~Dan Osman

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I've been there on a cruise and nothing seemed tall enough to me.

Good luck man. As the guys mentioned, the diving there is good.

Oh, and FYI the pharmacy will sell you anything you want.
Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM

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I was there a couple weeks ago for the boogie and saw several structures that were tall enough to jump off of....


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Are there any cliffs in Kansas?
Looks like a death sandwich without the bread - Steve Deadman Morrell, BASE 174

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