
Do you jump without an AAD?

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I have a CYPRES in one of my rigs (the one I do AFF with, because it was required at my last DZ for instructors), but do not have one in my other, identical rig. I jumped for 18 years without an AAD and am not device dependant. The CYPRES I have was bought for me as a christmas present one year. There is a time and a place for an AAD, but they do not suit the bill for every occasion. Neither my wingsuiting nor pond swooping warrant an AAD, but the possibility of getting sucked low chasing a student is very real, so I gladly appreciate the added personal protection afforded by my CYPRES in those unforseen instances. I don't skydive any differently whether or not I have one in my rig.

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I've had one cutaway in about 1100+ jumps. I own two containers, one has a cypress, one does not. I left a cypres out of my second rig for a number of reasons, of which the primary reason was that I intended it to be used primarily for pond swooping. So, I made 95% of my jumps with my cypres equipped rig, and used my non cypres one sparingly, just hop in pops and ocassionally if we were busy on the DZ and I needed to make back to back loads. My perception of a cypres has always been that it is not meant to be a replacement for emergency procedures, rather it was only a means of protection against an unavoidable/unpredictable situation. Anyways, my cutaway was nothing more than line twists on a highly loaded HP canopy that I could not recover. I cut away and landed without incident. Here's the kicker, my other rig, the one with the cypres, had its ripcord recalled shortly there after for the faulty pin problem, ie, if you pulled the reserve ripcord, the cable could possibly break away from the pin, leaving the reserve closed. By dumb luck, my cyrpes was in that rig and my non cyrpes rig had a "prerecall" reserve cord. I never had to use the other pin, so I dont know if it was faulty or not, but the thought of what if has haunted me since the recall. What if I had the cypres in the rig with the good pin and the recalled (possibly faulty) reserve handled rig didnt have the cyrpes, and I was in that same situation. There was a chance, all be it slim, that I could have cut away and pulled the resevre and the pin coupld have broke off and stayed in the reserve loop, which would have ended very badly for me. That type of situation is why I am a cypres advocate. There would have been no amount of prep or training that could have solved that type of situation. So, to answer your question, I consider the cypres to be an invaluable "compliment" to a skydiver's survival chances. I wouldnt fault you for choosing not to jump with one, financially or otherwise, it's just one of those things where there are a million reasons to have one and a few reasons to not have one, but if ever someone finds themselves in a position to need one, its better to have one and not need it, than to not have one and need it. I don't know the exact number, but its been pretty well documented that they can and do save lives.

ps - If you want a cypres but its a financial situation, PM me, I may be able to help you out with aquiring a good used one without breaking your bank account.

My other ride is a RESERVE.

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I have a cypress, but have jumped rigs without them. Its nice to have, but I really don't think about it. At 30ish jumps I would have wanted one though - just because I didn't feel I had the skill/experience to be going without one... but to each to their own. My DZ requires one up to B licence.

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I just bought a rig that has a cypress. . .the cypres has to go for its 4 year and needs batteries, so I will be jumping without a cypress for a little while. . .

But, I like the fact that there is a cypres there in my rig. It won't change the way I jump but I am glad that it is there as back-up when and if I should ever need it. . .
Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ
FGF #6

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I haven't used an AAD since I bought my own gear at 30 jumps. I just couldn't afford to one at the time. I wouldn't mind having a Cypres, and if I'm borrowing a rig that is equiped with one I'll turn it on, but I'm not adverse to jumping without one.

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I currently jump without one, and I don't really think about it much. I look at it as another reason to avoid complacency in this sport. I think it is a personal preference, and if you are comfortable in *your mind* about *your abilities*, I don't see any reason not to jump.

Now, that said, think there are certain situations where one should have an AAD. I'm about to start doing some jumps as a coach, and I did recently buy a CYPRES. Like Chuck said, since it will be a situation where I am knowingly jumping with people of little experience, I think it makes sense to have one just in case.


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I have 3 rigs, 2 with and 1 without.

One of the with rigs is for sale so I won't count it.

I have no problem jumping without. I did for my first 100 jumps.

That said I try to grab the "Cypres" rig, when working with novices in groups (especialy freeflying) or doing bigway RW. I do jump the "without" rig on the same jumps.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I don't jump with one simply because I feel I don't need one. I have been jumping for 20 years without one. I have no doubt that I will pull my handles in an emergency.

I think having an AAD is a lot like having life insurance. If you feel you need it, you are correct. If you feel you don't need it, you are equally correct.

Now, having stated my personal opinion, I'll add that my two daughters are now skydiving with fewer than 100 jumps each. I made sure they both had a CYPRES in their rigs just for my peace of mind. Although I do not feel the need for one myself, I wanted them to have AADs.

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I made 1100 or so jumps without one. I have one now. I've proven I can pull the reserve in plenty of time, and I've proven I can make mistakes. Just not that particular mistake.

When I bought my current gear, the Cypres was an enhancement, but not a necessity. Of course, I have life insurance (through work) too. And an RSL, for exactly the same reason. I don't get to choose the mistakes, they are more likely to choose me :S

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I've been jumping since 1987 and have never owned an AAD. I was always either a poor college student, a poor Army dude, or up to my eyeballs from my wife's student loan debt. During that time, I would always rather buy a new canopy with my money as opposed to purchasing a Cypres. They're too damn expensive. I'd love to have one, though, and I think it's a great idea. You never know when it might save your life. I, however, feel very comfortable jumping without one. I'm not worried about my abilities. I worry about some of the idiots around me that I don't jump with all the time.

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My first 300 something jumps where without a Cypress.. First I couldn't afford it, later I rather spent the money on jumps and other stuff.

Just lately (for the last 200 or so) jumps I have a Cypress and to be honest, the only reason I put it in there is : what if someone takes me out?
I see it as a life insurance when it comes to that.

If it has to be sent back, I will jump without one for a while, I really don't care.


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i don't have one but don't do what I do. Do what makes you feel better. If you want one jump it. If not then no worries.

Don't become reliant on it. It is there only as a back up. If all else fails it may save your ass. Be responsible for your own life don't trust a peice of electronics to do it for you. I hear so many peple say "i'll be ok I have a Cypres!" True it will probably work and save your life but don't count on it as a sure fire thing. Shit can and Does happen.

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A lot of you (experienced jumpers) are missing the point of having a Cypres (AAD). If you feel you need one because your skills are lacking, you should consider another sport. If you think you don't need one because you are really really good, then what about that dummy on the load with you who dives right into you so hard that you are rendered unconscious?

To answer the original question, I have two rigs, one has a Cypres and one does not. I do only low solo jumps without a Cypres. Over the long haul, I have more RW jumps without an AAD than with, but they have been perfected and I just don't trust others to be safe and proficient.

The odds are with you, but it could happen. With this said, I support your right to choose for yourself, but please be informed.


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If you think you don't need one because you are really really good, then what about that dummy on the load with you who dives right into you so hard that you are rendered unconscious?

Your are absolutely correct about that. It is a choice we make for ourselves. It's the shit happens thing that gets us all. [:/]

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If you think you don't need one because you are really really good, then what about that dummy on the load with you who dives right into you so hard that you are rendered unconscious?

True, but life is filled with risk management. I choose who to skydive with and in what situations. That's what I make my decisions based on. Not if I have a Cypres on my back or not.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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If you think you don't need one because you are really really good, then what about that dummy on the load with you who dives right into you so hard that you are rendered unconscious?

True, but life is filled with risk management. I choose who to skydive with and in what situations. That's what I make my decisions based on. Not if I have a Cypres on my back or not.

If you like, I can come up with other possibilities. For example, do you choose who jumps out behind you and isn't supposed to be there? There are lots more.

It is difficult to see how an active skydiver can avoid jumping with strangers. I do it every week.


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I did my first 800-ish jumps without an AAD, partly because when I started jumping AAD's were for students and wussies and partly because once the Cypres had been out for awhile and hadn't killed anybody I decided I might want one but couldn't afford it.

I have one now. It's there in case I screw up. I know that by having it in my rig I have decreased certain risk factors and increased certain other risk factors.

I'd jump without it no problem; I've remembered that I didn't turn it on as the plane took off and done the skydive anyway.

Know the risks and benefits and make your own decision.

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My rig has a CYPRES and I like the idea of it being there if I'm incapacitated or get really stupid (I've been known to get stupid on occasion).
I have jumped borrowed and rented gear without a AAD without a second thought.
When my CYPRES goes in for its four year on my next repack I'll jump my rig without it.
I look at a AAD as a nice gizmo to have, not as a must have in order to safely skydive.

ChileRelleno-Rodriguez Bro#414
Hellfish#511,MuffBro#3532,AnvilBro#9, D24868

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but they have been perfected

They have? Since when?

Your post made me realize something about my views toward AAD's. I primarily look at them as, "they won't hurt me." They mis-fired pretty often in the beginning. Yeah, I still view their effectiveness as, "maybe" mine would actually save me.


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