
B.A.S.E. without Skydiving experience?

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someday I met a guy doing his first AFF Jump. He was very nervous in the plane, you know the typical student showing emotions.

In the bar that evening he told me that it scared him a lot but he did a couple (don`t remember how many) base jumps in norway before and for some reason I belived him.

What do you think, how likely does someone enter BASE without skydiving experience?



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I met a guy at the potato bridge in 01 that was being taught base with no skydiving experience. He was being taught by way of static line...no freefalls on any of his base jumps until he had so many jumps. Then saw him at BD 02 and he had over 100 basejumps, still with no skydiving. He's very heads up and has great canopy skills.

Yeah, it's possible to enter base with no skydiving.

My attitude is: "all basejumpers can skydive, but not all skydivers can basejump". Maybe they can't skydive well, but they can save themselves. Most likely, they won't kill themselves with low turns, either.

Blue skies,

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I watched a guy with 0 skydives jump the potato in '04 as well. I can't remeber if he was SL'ed or went handheld. I think his was like a one time thing though.

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Most likely, they won't kill themselves with low turns, either.

I wholeheartedly disagree. What's your reasoning behind this, exactly?

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I am curious what people think about this too. My husband met a girl at the Perrine making her first BASE with no skydives.I personally have been waiting to BASE jump until I can accurately land my canopy from 3000' before I have to at 200'.Plus I don't want to be learning how to fly a canopy and how to deal with a malfunction simultaneously 100-200' above the ground.It sounds foolish to me.
"I'm not sure how it's going to turn out, except I'll die in the end, she said. So what could really go wrong? -----Brian Andreas

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I am curious what people think about this too.

I imagine most people will tell you it's not a recommended way to get into BASE. There are other methods that involve significantly less risk, yet don't require disproportionately large sacrifices. It's simple common sense, tested by a select few that take the shortcut without dying.

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So people that are making BASE jumps prior to skydiving, are they just doing it through a mentor? Because I thought any reputable jump course recommends xxx amount of skydives before BASE?
"I'm not sure how it's going to turn out, except I'll die in the end, she said. So what could really go wrong? -----Brian Andreas

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I made my first jump with another guy, also making his first jump, that, I found out afterwards, only had 3 static line jumps. Both of us were PCA'd off a 380' freestander. He only made the static line jumps as our 'mentor' told him to so he could gain some canopy experience.


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Do you think 3 static lines is experience?
"I'm not sure how it's going to turn out, except I'll die in the end, she said. So what could really go wrong? -----Brian Andreas

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I have seen it done a few times. 4 i think. 3 out of the 4 stood the landing up (perrine). but im with pope, i think they dont have as much muscle memory for canopy flying, and might freak out and crater on a low turn. i heard the menotr beating the no low turn thing into their head pre jump.

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I not only have been advised to have prior proper canopy experience.But have heard suggestions that a balloon jump is not a bad idea.Just to get the feel of a subterminal jump.After my balloon jump I can say I'd like a couple more.I did go head low and was glad it wasn't a BASE jump.Why not learn at a safe altitude?
"I'm not sure how it's going to turn out, except I'll die in the end, she said. So what could really go wrong? -----Brian Andreas

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I didn't say they WON'T kill themselves making low turns, I said most likely. I've seen some jumpers (skydivers) with 1000s of jumps and have no canopy skills and/or have killed themselves doing low turns and did know better. I've also seen several "static line base students" that had better skills than those skydivers with 1000s of jumps. More heads up, as well. Can land in someone's backyard, sure.

One advantage I've seen the "base static line students" have, is they are by no means altimeter reliant, they use their eyes and judgment all the way. I've seen skydivers "forget" their altimeters on the ground and ride the plane down because they freaked out because they didn't have an altimeter. I've also been someone in the plane that's given up mine so they didn't ride the plane down.

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I'd also like to add, I do not recommend entering base with no skydiving experience. I'm just saying that I've seen it done and work out safely. I also have recommended to several new base jumpers at BD to take the water if they didn't think they could handle the landing area. You can dry your gear out a whole lot sooner than that femur heals.

When I started base, I was able to land proficiently and consistently in the peas. No, I didn't have 200 jumps, either.

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it's just not the greatest idea.

i did my first BASE with only 300 skydives and only a few with a BASE canopy. i had no real canopy skills on accuracy or 7 cell experience. i took a few classes from some guy name Clint Clawson;). i was a skydiver who wanted 2 BASE JUMP at that point.

while skydiving i've had a handful of hard pulls. a hand full of line twist issues. and i got my thumb stuck on two occasions in my pvc handle of my pilot chute (about 3 seconds each time) and lots of other bone head things:S!!! i had lots of time to figure and solve these problems out calmly and cooly (4 the most part) and live 2 talk about them and think of ways around the problems. like putting gaffers tape around my pvc handle!!! if that happened on a low pull without any skydiving experience in a BASE enviroment...who knows??
none of these are a big deal in skydiving (line twists can be especially in a wingsuit). but are better to experience in that realm. it's better to have problems in skydiving and fun in BASE.
the only problem in BASE as far as i can see (only have been doing it just 15 months). is you can be the greatest BASEer of all time and it can still take your life. you might as well have as much ammo. on your side.
ask your self this? would you take your first wingsuit jump off an object? or would learn the fuck out of that thing in skydiving first? i see it the same way as getting skills in skydiving preBASE jumping. now people argue about numbers of skydives. like i would say 500 (a be a hypocrite doin' it at 300). and others say if you jump a BIG f111 7 cell and take up accuracy right out of AFF and get good at just that (unlike me). and always, always packing for yourself. 100 to 150 skydives would be fine.
i writin' too much. maybe i'm starting to care about stuff and other people?? dunno.:)


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i had like 56 skydives.... i think the magical number needed is 55 . SO I SENT IT !!!!

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Man I remember some years back in Twin. There was a Twin area local who BASE jumped without skydiving and also pretty much refused to even go over the DZ the other side of Boise and do FJC and Static course. His name was Jack (something) can't remember last name. We told him many times it would be smart to do some static's for canopy practice but he never went and did any skydiving.
BASE jumping he only did Rounds in the water. I think he thought that was safer for him. I lent him a old square cruzlite for a day once to do some water landings and see what squares were like. Sometime later It was his 100th jump and he was hungry to get it off. The winds were nuking. He took his Round and went anyway and drifted in over land and just pounded-in. He got all busted and broke-up bad. I think that was his only landing on hard ground. I really doubt if he even new what a PLF was.

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Skydivers suck at BASE jumping! Too many small canopy jumps. If you want to be a great BASE jumper always jump 7 cell fattys. Also canopy control means everything and canopy accuracy means squat when your landing in rocks. Good luck sky jumpers!
Symmetry doesn't matter.

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Skydivers suck at BASE jumping! Too many small canopy jumps. If you want to be a great BASE jumper always jump 7 cell fattys. Also canopy control means everything and canopy accuracy means squat when your landing in rocks. Good luck sky jumpers!

granted its from this totaly kaput moron, but i completely agree. little parachutes do very little for BASE. if anything. Jesse Hall is KAPUT.

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I did not think, that this is so common.
If I would start BASE, I would be glad to have some skydiving experience, but thats only my personal opinion...

Thanks for all your replies!



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heard the menotr beating the no low turn thing into their head pre jump

And what does that mean for someone without any canopy experience?

3 inches of riser input, 5 of toggle, straight up / down with toggles quickly, slowly up / down with toggles, etc.

What if the student tries a minor input to avoid a particluar landing and gets insufficient response, and then overamps . . . . ending up with . . . . a low turn.

What if? ? ? ?
Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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And what if they BASE jumper gives the same toggle input on their skydive gear that they do on their BASE gear????? Typically they are jumping higher performance and smaller canopies (not always but more often than not).

I have seen the reverse many times. Where they give their BASE canopy the same input as their small elliptical skydiving canopy.
Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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Lets look at some parallels:

1 - talk
2 - hold hands
3 - kiss
4 - make . . . . love
5 - get real weird

Can you do this out of order? Yes. But I bet if you try 3 first, you'll have a 180 hand strike most times!!!!!

1 - crawl
2 - walk
3 - ride with training wheels
4 - ride normal
5 - race

Can you do this out of order? Yes. But I bet if you try 5 first, you'll have a 180 barrier strike most times!!!!!

1 - walk
2 - snow plow
3 - beginner slopes
4 - inter slopes
5 - advanced slopes
6 - extreme skiiing

Can you do this out of order? Yes. But I bet if you try 6 first, you'll have a 180 rock strike most times!!!!!

1 - aff / sl / tandem
2 - canopy control course - BASE prerequisites
3 - fjc
4 - continued mentoring / coaching / instruction from qualified person
5 - ... lots of things
6 - sick mofo aerials on bad ass jump site

Can you do this out of order? Yes. But I bet if you try 6 first, you'll have an object strike most times!!!!!

In the end, you are an adult. If you care about what you should be doing first, then I care, If you don't, then I still share your sentiments.
Stay Safe - Have Fun - Good Luck

The above could be crap, thought provoking, useful, or . . But not personal. You decide.

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The people I'm talking about don't have small eliptical canopies...they have big, fat, clunky F111 7 cell canopies and are being taught to land with accuracy. Learning to fly backwards, fly in deep brakes and sink into where they want to be. NO RADICAL TURNS! They know how to do flat turns, fly with risers, land with risers...skills that most skydivers don't EVER learn. The mentors involved are some of the most experienced basejumpers in the world.

Blue skies,

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I don't know about you, but I have had to do some pretty radical turns on many a BASE jump. For example do a 180 degree turn after SL from 200ft. Or a 270 from 300. A fringe few may say that is not radical, but for the majority....


skills that most skydivers don't EVER learn

Where do you get this info from? I think there are more skydivers that know and practice these techniques than you give credit for.

I am not saying you can't teach a non-skydiver to BASE, but... There are certain things that skydiving teaches or re-enforces in you that 99% of non jumpers do not have. Everyone can not think they are that 1% and are above everyone else, that just puts the rest of us and the sport at risk...

..I knew I was an unwanted baby when I saw my bath toys were a toaster and a radio...

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