
what would BASE# BE??? if everybody got theirs?

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i was on a " B" the other night with a guy who had almost double my jumps but this was his first "B" i then guessed what his BASE number might be??? he said i don't want one. and couple of jumpers i jumped with recently said the same thing. that when they got their "B" they wouldn't apply either.

i then thought of all the old school guys and current ones who didn't care. i seems to be almost 1 out 4 who don't have a BASE # yet completed BASE.

so if im (1106) should it be almost 2000? how about double my number? i don't know?

just curious what anybody else thought either way?


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Yeah, only 1 in 4 apply sounds about right, i remember it being a slight anti-climax upon receiving my BASE number earlier in the year as i knew it didn't really reflect the actual amount of BASE jumpers that completed it before me, and as rough estimates put it to around 5000 jumpers with all 4 objects completed, then it shows that the vast majority are not interested for whatever reasons...

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It's true that whenever a non-BASE jumper asks how high the BASE numbers are, you always have to add there are many more BASE jumpers in the world than that.

But we've always had to do that . . .

Having a BASE number doesn't make you a BASE jumper, but it does make you a BASE jumper with a BASE number.

Times change and if not interested in getting a BASE award - that's cool.

But on the other hand slamming a guy (not that anyone did that in this thread) because he's proud of earning a BASE number isn’t cool.

I personally don't care about the awards in that other sport. And I never put in for gold wings or any of that stuff I'd be entitled to apply for. But I am proud of my BASE award and always will be . . .

But as we grow and get further away from the beginnings of BASE it's natural that more and more will shun the BASE award. Maybe if Carl Boenish had lived he could have kept the fire going, but probably not. But as we lose the old school traditions new ones will come along to take their place. Its progress I suppose, but we have bigger problem than that. This year we lost 13 brothers and sisters, the worst year for BASE fatalities in our 27 year history. I'm thinking maybe a little old school mentality would be so bad a thing . . .

NickD :)BASE 194

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. I'm thinking maybe a little old school mentality would be so bad a thing . . .
NickD :)BASE 194

I agree 100% with that statement!!
BASE 1043 Night BASE 160
BASE is to skydivers as skydiving is to whuffos

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