
Parapalegic Jumper stuck in Tree!!

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Russel and Amy sitting in a tree...



Splatula Rigging
Abbie Mashaal
Skydive Idaho
Snake River Skydiving

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Woohoo! I got myself completely piss drunk after I got the news last night.

Congratulations Russel and Amy!

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Wow, hey look everybody it's Cornishe. I was beginning to think he didn't even exist anymore.

Oh, and congrats to Russel and Amy; yada, yada. You guys will be very happy, yada, yada. Bachelor Party in Vegas, yada, yada, flick.

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Congratulations Russel and Amy...best wishes to you both...
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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Congrats Russel, great news!!

After the first couple years you won't even miss getting
piss drunk evey night, screwing strange young broads,
and jumping anytime you want :P
Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM

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Congrats Russel . . .

I thought, like me, you were a confirmed bachelor?

Ya big quitter . . . !

NickD :)BASE 194

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Oh shit! :o

Yeah, you'd better be worried. The last bachelor's party I helped organize we broke into the victim's house at 5:00am, forced him into a pink dress and kidnapped his sorry ass all the way to Mexico.

Be afraid, be very afraid...

Oh by the way, you don't sleep with a gun under your pillow, do you? Just checking.

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russel that is so awesome! when i saw the title of this thread i suspected it had something to do with you, but i really thought you had landed in a tree...:)

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