
BASE # stats?

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Maybe this is a better question for the Harrisons, but has anyone broken down the amount of BASE #'s assigned over the years?

In other words, since the first BASE # was issued until the most recent, are there any stats that say how many were issued each year? The purpose being to graph a rough amount of new jumpers getting into the sport.

If anyone has done this already, where can I find the info??

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Something like this?
Check out Yuri's post "Superexponential growth of BASE" in that page. ;)


http://www.basenumbers.org This gives some info for those that have registered their number.

:D:S:D Sorry... couldnt resist :D:D
White cute poodle puppy found. Approximately six months of age. Blue collar but no tags. Very friendly.
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SO... yuri.... if the number was exponential with an exponentially increasing growth rate, would it be... ... ... supersuperexponential? :P
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:D:Dmaybe... hyperexponential?
gee... we could play with this forever! I mean... "exponentialy" speaking :)
White cute poodle puppy found. Approximately six months of age. Blue collar but no tags. Very friendly.
Tasted like chicken

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