Traveling with Gear

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So your answer is: "Yes take it every time but don't pack slider off.":)
The bums will never win Lebowski, the bums will never win!
Enfin j'ai trouvé:

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You should also stuff a bag of peanuts in your pocket. When you are in freefall getting your rig on 350 people will suddenly try to learn the arts of tracking and Mr. Bill. If anyone manages to pull it off and you find yourself under canopy with them still hanging on to you, offer them some peanuts for their in flight snack. You will both get a chuckle out of it and it will break up the monotony of the canopy ride down.

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and it will break up the monotony of the canopy ride down.

farkin canopy rides

you want me to do what???

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Once set off all the alarms for chemicals that can be used for making bombs after landing in a cow field then carrying on my rig. Apparenty the cow poo can be used for bombs. The secuity guy thought it was funny when I explained the situation and didn't harrass me for too long.
Have fun!

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The only planes I was ever in .... I never landed in...

So last weeek I had to fly to another state for a second interview/plant visit. Well when returning home, I did a stand by to get home sooner.

If the ticket lady says to you, "We can get you on this plane but I am unsure of your bags because we are really busy."

Then you know your bags are getting lost! I am so mad at that lady!

This week I had another interview without my suit. Thanks Continential!

Anyways, I would carry it on. The no nlothes and a rig seems better than no rig and clothes!


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Make sure that you have a ticket for your fight before you get to the gate. Waiting at gate wondering why the airport is closed.

That is why they call me grounded.

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dude try not to be such a putz just tell them your a jehad
Baklav derka DERKA STAN AND u will bve fine oh yah and dont forget to take your kryptonight so u can word off eveil power monkeys that like to poop in there pants with the fun ky junky that is my friend
I'm an invincible re-tarded ninja
derka derka bakala bakala muhammad jihad

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magot u are by far the coolest guy I ever met and the best looking
Men get laid, but women get screwed.
I may be dumb, but I'm not stupid.

Nymphomaniac: a woman as obsessed with sex as an average man.

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